Last Cup Of Powdered Sugar.
Natalie has been here this whole week and what an exciting and fun filled week it has been already. Her and her family arrived on Saturday night, unfortunately I was working ALL day long and by the time I got off Natalie had already gone to bed. It was alright though, she deserved her rest after that long drive, especially with the kids and husband. I still went dancing at Charley's when I got off work, and that proved to be a good experience. I met a whole slue of people. The Gay World is such a silly place some times, particularly in the bar/club scene. We get all dressed up to impress everyone around and try to get people to look at Us. Upon entering the bar, We look around and try to find the people we know the best. We see them on the other side, and in the process of getting to them, We have to say hello to as many people as possible, even if We were just introduced once and don't actually know them. Saying "Hi" to as many people as possible give all the peo...