1/30 These Shelves Are Still Here.

There are several times I am out on a date and there is just nothing to talk about. I dunno how that is so because I think I am pretty interesting. I can talk about anything ha ha. 
1. I don't find any of the TV shows on Disney or Nick to be funny anymore. They all have girls that "act" stupid...but in all reality I like to think it is their true personality showing.
2. I think it is one of the worst ideas to get engaged before dating for at least 1 year and I think short engagements are a bad idea. 
3. I have always been bad at team sports, but really enjoy playing soccer and baseball. 
4. I am the youngest of six children and it definitely shows that I am the youngest. We all know that I am my parents favorite, and my parents don't hide that bit of information.
5. Nice things intimidate me, I am very accident prone and I generally can only keep something nice and new for no longer than a week or two. Oops.
6. I think that any College Major that has to deal with personal relationships, and Philosophy have no place in a university and shouldn't be studied whereas Drama and Music Performance should not be in a regular university either, but have their own specialized universities in which they are given the proper attention they deserve. 
7. I have traveled to Australia, Germany, and Canada, all of which were on the spur of the moment, and I am so glad I got to experience them all.
8. I enjoy piano music, even if individual playing isn't very good. The effort put in and the feeling put into the music is what impresses me the most. 
9. I LOVE dinner parties. Throwing them, going to them. Dinner parties are a blast.
10. When I graduated high school, I weighed 247 pounds, now I am sitting at 158. Down 89 pounds and proud of every stretch mark. They are a trophy of my accomplishments.
11. I am obsessed with burning candles. Scented and unscented. It doesn't matter. 
12. My favorite childhood food is Mac and Cheese with turkey dogs and peas.
13. I absolutely HATE body hair on myself, but when it comes to other guys, I love when they have a little hair on their chest, but it can't be out of control. Trimming is necessary. Facial hair on the other hand get's me going like nothing else. 
14. I get sick when I walk in Bath and Body Works. Too much fragrance at one time just overwhelms me.
15. I believe that music is the greatest form of therapy. Waking up to music always starts my day out right.
16. I crave to be a Father. Not just a Father, but a Father of a child from my own flesh and blood. 
17. I am a certified Priest in the State of Idaho and can officially officiate a marriage.
18. As a child I convinced myself that I was allergic to sour cream because I didn't like the name. Now when I eat it I get sick. 
19. Plaid is my very favorite pattern for shirts. There is something about plaid that makes 
me look crazy adorable.
20. My most favorite way to pass the time is to roller skate. It gives a full body aerobic workout and can burn 350 calories by roller skating at 6 mph for an hour. I usually skate 12-15 mph, so it is a crazy awesome workout and I skate for 3-4 hours at a time :)


  1. Jake does that mean if I ever get married you can be the one that marries me to the sad sad soul who thinks I'm worth marrying? I love this! I love random fact blogs.

  2. Yes that means I am able to perform marriages now :) Ha ha I just love how in America anyone can get a license to perform marriages. And I would LOVE to officiate your wedding :) If you like the random fact blogs, just stay tuned, hopefully tomorrow I will have finished my blog about fears :)

  3. Baseball and Soccer are my favorite sports to play!! We should get a group together and start going out to play this summer, it would be a blast!
    Sorry I'm commenting on everything haha. Just creepin' on your blog!! It's been a while.

    1. TOTALLY!! I think that would be so much fun! Or like Ultimate Frizbee!! I just wanna get out and run around like a crazy bitch this year! And I LOVE that your creepy around on my blog. It makes me so happy to see comments :) Thank you!


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