5/30 Bees And Orchard.

Life at the moment is going great. Every time I think I have screwed things up, something, or someone comes into my life and saves me from having a bad day. Am I just getting lucky or has Karma just taken a rest for now? I like to think I am just finally getting a handle of this thing called Life. 

Lately a couple things have been making me really happy. It is as if a combination of these certain items will create the Best Day Ever.

Firstly, personal record keeping, AKA blogging. Everyday I look forward to posting a new post. I love to see any comments people have. It makes me smile to know that people I went to high school with are reading, especially those that I didn't really interact with either socially or even physically. 

Secondly, music from Glee. Specifically the songs, "Silly Love Songs," "Fire," "Don't Go Breaking My Heart," "Friday," "Teenage Dream," "Valerie," and We Are Young." 

Thirdly, My job is making me so happy lately. I am in LOVE with everything I am doing. I have been skating more and I forgot how much I enjoy it. It is a great workout, and I get to just have fun while being paid.

Fourthly, Will & Grace. No explanation needed here.

and Fifthly, the weather as of late. It isn't cold outside. The sun has show its face several times. Yes, it has rain in the forecast for the next couple days, but the temperature doesn't get below 50. It even is predicted to get into the 60's. The extra sunlight has made me so happy. I actually want to get out of bed. 


  1. Jake you make me happy inside. I'm glad everything is going well for you right now. I send hugs and smiles and hopes it all is awesome for the future too!


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