3/30 The Appendix Of This Document.
Describing my relationship with my parents.
I Love my parents. Regardless of how often I think they are being stupid or how many times I get upset with them, I Love them. Completely unconditionally. They are two of the worlds most caring people I have ever know, I am sure most people say that about their own parents, but many other people would say the same. My mom, is one of the most caring individuals, ever. She would do anything for anyone. She is so sweet and wants all people to feel loved and will go out of her way to help someone. My father...my father, my father, my father. This man is so incredible. I have never met another person that would bend over backwards just to help a person, no matter how big or small. He is definitely a stern-looking man, but once you crack through that tiny shell, he is extremely soft-hearted, HILARIOUS, and simply a fun and enjoyable fella. There are times where my dad would rather help someone finish their house projects before even thinking about finishing his own house projects. Both my parents are extremely humble and so in Love it makes me smile just by thinking about it.
The relationship I have them my parents now is vastly different from the relationship I had with them a few years ago. What changed? I came out. Before November 2010, the relationship I had with my parents was basically ideal. We got a long better than PB & J. Things between us all flowed smoother than they ever could if a person took a whole box of laxatives.
My mom and I were extremely close. Her and I did everything together. I would come home from school, or work, and spend the rest of my day with her. We talked about everything, we went out to lunch all the time, shopped together. There were several times in high school that she would come to Poky, check me out of class, without me knowing she was gonna do this, and we would drive down to SLC just to go to Olive Garden and do some shopping. Needless to say our relationship was just delightful.
My father and I were, well, relatively close. That didn't happen until junior year of high school. I did not like my father for the longest time. We never got along. We were always fighting about something, no matter the caliber. I would do or say things just to piss him off and I am fairly certain he would do the same thing, although it probably wasn't as much of a conscious effort as it was for me. It wasn't until I learned to let my feelings out that things changed. I remember it was snowing outside and we were both shoveling the snow off the driveway when he made some stupid remark and it really pissed me off. So naturally, I threw my shovel down and darted right for him. I tackled him right into a pile of snow and we wrestled for about 15 minutes and it got a lot of stress out. Of course while this whole wrestling thing was happening, we were both yelling at each other. Things like "I feel like you would rather spend time down in the basement than get to you know own son." and "Wow! I am surprised you are actually giving me attention." Stupid little petty things. But it got my point across. We never talked about it after that, but we both began to try much harder at having a real father/son relationship.
Since then, my dad and I do a lot of things together. Coming out had no real huge effect on our relationship. We still work on my car together, toss around a baseball, play some frizbee, watch football games, go camping, canoeing etc.
Although, things with my dad didn't change, when I came out my relationship with my mom died. We had nothing to do with each other for 4 months. Not a single word was spoken between the two of us for the first four months following my coming out.
Now, my relationship with my mom has gained a lot of its value back. It has taken 2 years for us to be able to hang out, go out to lunch, talk etc, but I am so happy to be back at that point. I hope that our relationship will only grow from now on. My mom obviously favors me over all my siblings. I know that is terrible to say, but we all know it.
My parents have been so good to me. They have had to adjust to a lot of different things recently and I think they have done a fairly good job doing so. I go over to their house almost every Sunday for dinner and games. Even after coming out and placing them in a position that compromises they religious beliefs, they love me unconditionally and I believe they wish the best for me and my future.
I Love my parents more than anyone and anything. I am so lucky to have been born in a family that is as loving as they are.
I Love my parents. Regardless of how often I think they are being stupid or how many times I get upset with them, I Love them. Completely unconditionally. They are two of the worlds most caring people I have ever know, I am sure most people say that about their own parents, but many other people would say the same. My mom, is one of the most caring individuals, ever. She would do anything for anyone. She is so sweet and wants all people to feel loved and will go out of her way to help someone. My father...my father, my father, my father. This man is so incredible. I have never met another person that would bend over backwards just to help a person, no matter how big or small. He is definitely a stern-looking man, but once you crack through that tiny shell, he is extremely soft-hearted, HILARIOUS, and simply a fun and enjoyable fella. There are times where my dad would rather help someone finish their house projects before even thinking about finishing his own house projects. Both my parents are extremely humble and so in Love it makes me smile just by thinking about it.
The relationship I have them my parents now is vastly different from the relationship I had with them a few years ago. What changed? I came out. Before November 2010, the relationship I had with my parents was basically ideal. We got a long better than PB & J. Things between us all flowed smoother than they ever could if a person took a whole box of laxatives.
My mom and I were extremely close. Her and I did everything together. I would come home from school, or work, and spend the rest of my day with her. We talked about everything, we went out to lunch all the time, shopped together. There were several times in high school that she would come to Poky, check me out of class, without me knowing she was gonna do this, and we would drive down to SLC just to go to Olive Garden and do some shopping. Needless to say our relationship was just delightful.
My father and I were, well, relatively close. That didn't happen until junior year of high school. I did not like my father for the longest time. We never got along. We were always fighting about something, no matter the caliber. I would do or say things just to piss him off and I am fairly certain he would do the same thing, although it probably wasn't as much of a conscious effort as it was for me. It wasn't until I learned to let my feelings out that things changed. I remember it was snowing outside and we were both shoveling the snow off the driveway when he made some stupid remark and it really pissed me off. So naturally, I threw my shovel down and darted right for him. I tackled him right into a pile of snow and we wrestled for about 15 minutes and it got a lot of stress out. Of course while this whole wrestling thing was happening, we were both yelling at each other. Things like "I feel like you would rather spend time down in the basement than get to you know own son." and "Wow! I am surprised you are actually giving me attention." Stupid little petty things. But it got my point across. We never talked about it after that, but we both began to try much harder at having a real father/son relationship.
Since then, my dad and I do a lot of things together. Coming out had no real huge effect on our relationship. We still work on my car together, toss around a baseball, play some frizbee, watch football games, go camping, canoeing etc.
Although, things with my dad didn't change, when I came out my relationship with my mom died. We had nothing to do with each other for 4 months. Not a single word was spoken between the two of us for the first four months following my coming out.
Now, my relationship with my mom has gained a lot of its value back. It has taken 2 years for us to be able to hang out, go out to lunch, talk etc, but I am so happy to be back at that point. I hope that our relationship will only grow from now on. My mom obviously favors me over all my siblings. I know that is terrible to say, but we all know it.
My parents have been so good to me. They have had to adjust to a lot of different things recently and I think they have done a fairly good job doing so. I go over to their house almost every Sunday for dinner and games. Even after coming out and placing them in a position that compromises they religious beliefs, they love me unconditionally and I believe they wish the best for me and my future.
I Love my parents more than anyone and anything. I am so lucky to have been born in a family that is as loving as they are.
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