7/30 You Hypnotize And Mesmerize Me.

Just a plain old blog this time. No theme. No lists. Just me, blogging. 

Yesterday was of course, St. Patrick's Day. What a great day. Something about yesterday just turned my whole attitude around. I was hating work. I hated going. I hated thinking about it. I hated getting texts about work related things. I just hated it. Yesterday, I worked a double. 11-5, then 7-11. When in reality it was 10:40-5:40, then 6:45-11:30. Yeah, I know I didn't throw in the AMs and PMs, but you get it right? It was a long day. The weirdest part is I actually enjoyed myself. THE WHOLE DAY. I absolutely love my job. I have no clue what it was that turned my attitude around, but whatever it was, I am crazy glad it happened. 

After work, I went out dancing...as usual. And it being St. Patrick's Day, I had to wear green. Totally forgot about that. Luckily I was only pinched 3 times. Well I walk down to Charley's and the line is Hella LONG! There was no way I was gonna get in before Midnight or probably even 12:30. There were so many people. Go figure. It so happened to be my friend Jen's birthday, and I am basically a celebrity at Charley's (Not for the reasons you would think) and I was in that door in 5 minutes of arriving. Huzzah, it rocks being me :) Ha. I  am pretty sure the 20+ people in front of me were not very happy with me, but what the hell, if I can get in, I might as well get in. And it was just a delightful evening. Dancing the whole night away. I just LOVE to dance. I know I talk about dancing a lot, but I love it. It is just awesome. Especially with all my friends I have there. 

Not only did I get in before midnight, I was given some lovely green beads, and an awesome green hat. It was simply wonderful. It is funny how happy dancing make people. I dunno what it is about it, but no matter how bad of a day I have, I can always cheer myself up by dancing around like a foo'. 

Any whoodle, I am kinda, sorta seeing this one guy. It's good to have some attention again. Not like Look-At-Me-And-Tell-Me-How-Gorgeous-I-Am-And-Let's-Only-Focus-On-Me attention, but just someone that cares, and texts and calls me all the time. Someone to hang out with and just be me. It's nice. 



  1. Happy Dance! I'm so glad your day was awesome! Someday I really need to go to Charley's with you. It would be a blast I think! And besides I've always wanted to be the arm piece of a celebrity! ;P


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