Totally. Presh :)

Who would have thought I would become friends with a person I was so angry with.
Well friends takes it further than what we are, at the moment.
We are more of acquaintances, but still. There is friendly chatter, delightful exchanges,
and little random acts of kindness. Do I expect anything to come of this? No, ha ha,
nothing more than just a pure friendship. Today I was informed that this individual
sent me a candy gram for Valentine's Day. What a sweet little gesture. And I appreciate it.
I guess I did get something for Valentine's Day this year :)

Totally unrelated.... DISCO NIGHT at work! Yes!!!!
It was awesome! Well for the most part.
I am so disappointed in the employees. Only Netanya and myself dressed up. Everyone else
was stupid and just came to work in their uniform. Good lord, I mean this is one of the
only days that we don't have to wear our uniform, and they do it because they are lame.
It was such a fun night, and could have been so much more fun if the other people
I work with participated and got off their high horses. "I don't know what to wear!" Bullshit.
It is the easiest thing to dress up for. And even if that was a true statement, they could
have easily looked up "ROLLER DISCO" on google and it would have brought up a thousands
of photos with ideas of things to wear. They are all just lame.

Also, this weekend I went out dancing, of course. Ha! And I danced it up with this hilarious fella from LA, he told me that if I came to LA I would definitely be able to get a job as a dancer..ha ha ha not sure if I should take that as a Good-Dancing compliment or You-Dance-Like-A-Hoe-And-People-Would-Pay-Money-To-See-It compliment. Either way, I am flattered! ha


  1. Why didn't we have these days when I was working at the rink? I totally would have dressed up with you!

  2. Look at who the manager was when you were there? Do you really think Sonya would do anything fun? She has no personality. I on the other hand have enough personality for everyone, and THEN some. Ha ha.

  3. I'm so sad I couldn't make it to the Disco night!! :( It sounded like so much fun! Also-- "You-Dance-Like-A-Hoe-And-People-Would-Pay-Money-To-See-It" HILARIOUS. haha

    1. Ha it was really fun John! But there wasn't as many people as I had hoped for. But I am sure there will be something else coming up sooner or later. Ha! I am afraid the guy was meaning the You-Dance-Like-A-Hoe-And-People-Would-Pay-Money-To-See-It compliment. BUT what can ya do, when ya can dance, ya can dance. Must just own it.


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