I Haven't Seen This Movie In So Long.

I love the spring so much. The weather finally starting to calm down and the sun coming out more.  It heating up and having the ability to wear shorts all day without having to change into pants after 4:00 because it gets too cold. Flowers are starting to bloom again and everyone is in such a better mood. The only thing I am dreading is the wave of Love falling over the city.

Everyone is pairing up again. Everyone except me and it is getting really old. This feeling is starting to wear me down. I have not had a significant other to share Spring with for 5 years. Ugh, that just sounds wrong. Not only does it suck being single during Spring, but it really sucks when everyone you hang out with either has a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Elimination by natural process begins to happen…First people to go in The Group of Friends are the annoying couples. The couples that, yes are in “love,” are all over each other and it just makes everything awkward. These couples cannot spend a single second apart. Next go the Singletons. All the single individuals that have not paired up with anyone are soon forgotten. When plans are made, they are made with other couples and no one wants a 5th or 7th person to join. I may have made it passed the first round of elimination, but I am quickly being cut from my friends. Of course it is not intentional, but it still sucks, muy.

I think the hardest thing about being Gay has to be accepting the fact that you are automatically less likely to find “True Love” let alone a Spring fling. Remember that boy I mentioned in a previous blog? Well, that definitely went nowhere. I am so busy with school and work that I have no time. And when I am able to get time, we only got to see each other for like an hour. Having a relationship with me is pretty much a joke.
 I look around me and I see couple come and go. Maybe it is just because of the community we have here, but it is rare to find a couple that has been together for longer than a year. I have had longer relationships with girls. Maybe actually saying this implies that being Gay is unnatural and that is why relationships don’t work out for Gay couples, but I am doing nothing of the sort.

I am so shocked that I never get tired of writing about this subject. You would think that I would get over it, and move on. I do, for a little while, but then the lonely feeling finds its way back in. 


  1. We can hang out and be lonely pathetic single people together for Spring.


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