8/30 Fly You Down For The Weekend.

At the moment, biting my tongue. I have been trying really hard lately not to get too upset or allow other people to evoke anger from me, but this time I am having the hardest time. Slow to anger. I guess it really isn't anger I am feeling, but I don't have a word to describe how I am feeling. Whatever, I will just go to Deleta, put a shit ton of quarters in the Ranger Mission Game and "Secure the occupied US Embassy." "Don't shoot the innocent civilians." Normally I don't like the shooting games, but I am totally down for this one. Best form of therapy ever, besides retail therapy of course.

Anyway, I thinking of taking a vacation...to Wichita Falls, Texas :)


  1. I'm sorry you're frustrated right now. I hope your vacation works out! :)


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