9/30 How Long Was The Last One?

It has been a much better day than it was yesterday. Although the weather still is not what I want it to be. I need it to be sunny outside to help give me motivation for everything again. I have been thinking about it, and I need to get back into shape again. I have developed this gross layer of chub. I was so awesome about going to the gym for the last 2 years. Almost religiously too. Every morning I was there for at least an hour. Now I am lucky to get there twice a week. This semester has just been crazy. I was sick for all of January and February and part of March. Little did I know I had pneumonia and bronchitis back to back. So for the whole time I was sick, no gym for me. Ugh and now it is the hard part, getting back into the habit of going to the gym or at least working out in some form or another. 

Not only am I losing all my definition and motivation, I am losing my lovely smile. Teeth are still as white as can be, but I am getting this gap between my front two teeth. It makes me so sad. I am so conscious about my teeth and I hate it. Next step is to call my ortho and get a new retainer. 

Got a big week of spending ahead of me. Here we go. 


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