
Showing posts from May, 2012

How You Getting To Salt Lake?

So Jacob, how did you spend your evening? Oh, you know... Yep, that pretty much sums up what I have been doing for the last half hour...

Watching Public Television On My TV.

Dear Marley, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful friend you have become.  A friendship like ours is unique. Others may look in from the outside and  see a regular acquaintanceship between a Credit Union teller and a customer, but  if they only knew how much you changed my life. If you knew how much I  appreciate all our conversations, you would know that I consider you  to be not only the person that takes my money, but a dear friend.  I always left the credit union feeling so happy and at the top of my game.  People are going to read this and think it is a bit odd to be so attached to  a teller, but they never will know exactly why I have grown to Love you so much. No one will understand how much of a comforter you were for me when  Jeffrey and I broke up, when school was just getting so hard I couldn't take it, or how big of a supporter you were for me when I came out to my family, and when I wanted to move out on my own. Your words of kindness,

Don't Step On My Crown!

Lately I have been obsessing over this stupid photo.... It explains everything I am feeling at the moment.  Where is Love?  Haven't found it in Pocatello...It's not in Boise, Tucson, Butte, or Idaho Falls.  Hopefully it will make itself known soon. Or at least a glimpse.  I am ready for someone to come into my life that just makes everything fun. A best friend that hasn't been friendzoned or hasn't friendzoned me.  Karma, I have been really nice lately, I even helped kids tie their skates and I even paid for someones purchases when they forgot their wallet.  It's time for you to start tossing some rays of sunshine my way.  Until Next Time. 

Speaking Of That.

Can this day get any better? I submit that it cannot! Why, do you ask, is today a good day? Well this morning I woke up, ON TIME. I thought I would walk down to the credit union for a little exercise. Not to mention I looked pretty good when I left :) On the way back from the C.U. I thought I would stop by Cafe Rowan.. this cute little Japanese  restaurant in Old Town, just to see what it was. I had no intentions of buying anything, just  wanted to see what they had on the menu. Next thing I know I am devouring a free fish taco. Such a delightful little place with delicious food!  So a free lunch? Yes why no :) Next thing, I get the best package from Natalie ever!! AKA, Spuds for Life :) I Love getting mail from her. It makes my day every time. I could be in the worst mood and having a horrible day, and the second I get something from Natalie my day brightens up.  And to end a great day, just watch (500) Days of Summer. It was absolutely wonderful

I'll Punch Her Baby And Steal Her Boyfriend.

And again, I did nothing today.  Correction: I did nothing PRODUCTIVE today.  The only thing I did today was play Just Dance 2. Every.Song. I now have danced to all the songs on Just Dance 2. I need to get my  hands on Just Dance and Just Dance 3...And dance to every song  on both games. It is necessary for me to do. That way I can officially say I am  a Just Dance Master. One day it will happen. And people at Charley's wonder why I can dance so well.... Things got serious and the yellow leotard, booty shorts, and headband come out. (I noticed the guy across the street was in his office/apartment with his blinds open so I though I would give a little entertainment for him ha) Basically I have no life, and my arms are kinda sore now. Maybe I should do this more often. Talk about cardio :) Until Next Time. 

See. I Finished All My Food.

Since school has gotten out I have been extremely productive. I registered my car again. Paid off my insurance for the next year. Rearranged my apartment, again. Finally bought a TV. Productivity. Although I think I may have hit a road block.  This is how I spent a good chunk (3 hours) of my day yesterday. I am pretty sure my neighbors hate me. I am without a doubt the loudest person in the building.  Yet no one has said anything to me. Hopefully that just means they  cannot hear me, or it doesn't bother them. I know that our  doors are not very thick cause when I am playing music and I decide to go check the mail I can hear my music all the way down the hall. Maybe that is a sign that I am actually losing my hearing. After trying to hard to do a perfect handstand, it got a little too hot. Ha, had to take off the shirt, and  nothing says redneck like wifebeater and jeans...doing handstands in your  livingroom...alone...when there is a p

30 Is A Milestone. A Crisis.

You know how when you hear about a movie and you think it is gonna be  just amazing, and then you watch it...and it freaking sucks!? If not, watch any Gay-themed movie.  90% of all the movies with Homosexuality being the central theme just suck.  Brokeback Mountain Is It Just Me? The New Twenty The Kids Are All Right A Single Man There are only a few good ones out there. Prayers For Bobby Transamerica Kinky Boots (I know that what is represented is only 62.5% sucky films, but this is just to illustrate some bad films) I will give them credit...they do have good underlying stories, but the acting is just so bad. It is as  if the majority of Gays cannot act. But I guess until the laws change, we are required to watch them :) One day, all acting will be created equally. Ha ha Until Next Time.

Jelly Beans Are Candy Of The Gods.

Never realized that the library was such a hot spot for preteens and such.  Sure I loved the library when I was a kid, but it was MUCH different back in my day.  Now there are computers and natural lighting, it just baffles me.  The other thing that baffles me is the amount of Deleta kids that are here. I thought I was just going to use the internet (not hiding in the bushes this time, actually in the  library) in peace like usual, when I am soon ambushed by 8 different Rink Rats. It always makes me laugh when I am recognized in public as "The Deleta Guy." It is nice to be known as something so fun and just dang adorable. It cracks me up when I am in the mall or at Walmart and kids stop and stare, then quietly  whisper something like "Mom, it's the Deleta Guy." "He works at Deleta!" The other day I was walking though Walmart and a little boy and his sister were running up and down the isles and the second I turned on the isle

Require People To Apply For Pregnancy.

I realized that there are things that are way scarier than spiders and clowns. I wonder what it would be like to have no identity. To go though something that  causes permanent damage to memory, both short and long term. It is so terrifying to think about. Not knowing anything about, well, anything.  Not knowing who I am, where I am, who anyone is, or how to do anything. Having to  relearn to walk, function, relearn everything.  I could only imagine what it would be like to wake up one morning and have no recollection of anything. No foundation for who I am. Walking around the house and seeing photos of me with people that I cannot recall their name nor where it was taken. Walking around town and having people come up to me claiming they know me and relate stories about me that apparently "happened." I cannot think of anything scarier than losing all memory of existence. It gives me chills and I start to tear up when I even think about it.  I im

Wait, You Can Be Vulnerable?

The weekend proved to improve and save my week.  Friday night I decided to go out dancing which is weird for me because I don't normally go out on  Fridays. I usually save my rump-shakin' fun for Saturday nights, especially after working a 14 hour shift. And even more surprisingly, I was in a good mood the WHOLE time at work.  Now that is something that doesn't happen when I work shifts like that.  Saturday was even better. My boss told me that I didn't have to come into work until I  wanted to. So I just spend Saturday morning being lazy and relaxing. Work wasn't too bad either.  It was very quiet and semi busy so the shift went by quickly. Soon after work Mema and Pepa took me out to Buffalo Wild Wings for the VIP Night and that was pretty nice.  The food was very average, but it was fun to go out to dinner at a quasi-nice restaurant. Things with Mema have gotten better. Recent arguments have been over things like which tomatoes are be

I May Already Have Other Plans.

I suck.  Tonight has officially shown me that I am not as good of a person as I think. I'm Heartless. I don't care enough to defend myself and salvage a friendship. I'm a user. I come and go as I please and don't take other people into consideration. I don't care. I confuse humor with "jaded bitchiness." It appears I have taken a turn for the worst. That can explain why I don't have very many friends and I am constantly irritated with the world. It isn't the world that needs to change, it is me. Maybe Steven is right. I better start preparing myself for a life of loneliness and 10 hour shifts.

Acid And Sat In A Field Of Wheat.

Summer Has Begun!!! Can I Get A Woot?! *Woot* Finished out the semester with a 4.0, as usual.  Now it is time for the busy month of May at Deleta. Nonstop working from 8:30AM to 10PM. Sundays I relax and take myself for a beautiful hike.  What am I excited for?  Good question.  SLC Pride in two weeks, with Aaron and Joe.  Gaining beautiful body back. Reading yet another winning book by John Green (The Fault Of Our Stars). Time for myself and ones I love.  There is no caption for any of these photos. They just how how lovely it's been lately.  It has been a good weekend.  Not to mention I am getting super tan and gorgeous :) Song of this summer? Feel So Close - Calvin Harris. 

Bathrooms Are Around The Corner.

Wiggity what's going on? Well I'll tell you, I am having some Me time. Not like, "Me Time, touch-touch" but actual Me time. Where I am just enjoying myself. Not talking to anyone right now, not FBooking, nothing. Just, Jacob.  It.Is.Amazing. After a crazy night with some friends in the Audiology Program, I need a good quiet day. Although today is definitely the opposite of that. I have been working all day at Deleta...with music so loud that we are creating great Job Security for Audiologists.  On a cute little rainy day, I am chillin' in the Mocha Madness drinking some green tea before my next shift at the rink and I have realized something. There is nothing wrong with treating myself to a little somethin' somethin' every now and again. I have been so obsessed with saving money and never doing anything fun, but that is ending. What did I do yesterday? I bought a pair of $700 skates, JUST BECAUSE I WANTED THEM.  *Gasp* And it felt so goo

My Blood Is Boiling.

Yet another semester is winding down. I am so happy to be done with Clinical Processes. That.Class.Was.Hell.  I enjoyed the professor and my classmates, but everything the class covered, I hate it. There is nothing about speech therapy that I like. I find it incredible confusing and I could care less if a child cannot say particular sounds. Who cares? I really don't. I should at least get an A- in that class and I am willing to take that. For as much time as I didn't do anything, I would say an A- is a success. I am forever done with Peter Flipsen, and that is such an AMAZING feeling. Sadly I will miss Jeff Brockett's Audiometry class. That was definitely my favorite class this semester. It was so interesting and I was able to actually touch equipment. Baby Kitty...Absolutely adorable. We have been having the best of times. It is about time that I have something in my life that just makes me smile and feel loved :) And someone that loves Will and Grace just as mu