Jelly Beans Are Candy Of The Gods.

Never realized that the library was such a hot spot for preteens and such. 
Sure I loved the library when I was a kid, but it was MUCH different back in my day. 
Now there are computers and natural lighting, it just baffles me. 

The other thing that baffles me is the amount of Deleta kids that are here.
I thought I was just going to use the internet (not hiding in the bushes this time, actually in the 
library) in peace like usual, when I am soon ambushed by 8 different
Rink Rats. It always makes me laugh when I am recognized in public as "The Deleta Guy."

It is nice to be known as something so fun and just dang adorable. It cracks me
up when I am in the mall or at Walmart and kids stop and stare, then quietly 
whisper something like "Mom, it's the Deleta Guy." "He works at Deleta!"

The other day I was walking though Walmart and a little boy and his sister were running up and down the isles and the second I turned on the isle, they both stopped dead in their tracks and stared at me.
They never said anything to me but as I turned the isle I just said "Yes,
I am the Deleta Guy." And the boy turned to his sister and kept telling her that he knew it was me.
Ha. I just love it, I am a celebrity within the community, for school age kids that is.

It is comforting to know that I am making a difference in some of their lives. I have had several 
discussions with customers about their lives and my life. We exchange stories. Sometimes
I am even asked to give my advice, which sometimes isn't the best, but it flatters me to know
that these kids value my opinion. 

The days I go into work and have kids ask me if I am on the skating floor...
and When I tell them I am not, they tell me how much they wish I was on the skating
floor because "You play the best music," "you are the funnest floorguard," "I always have
fun when you are skating with us." I am grateful to know that I am good at my job
and I am appreciated and respected by the customers. Always puts a smile on me face.

It is moments like that that make me feel influential and like I am doing good.
Sometimes I feel like I am a bad person or at least a person that only exists.
I always say how much I do not like children and how they annoy the heck out of me, 
but what it all boils down to is I absolutely love children. I love all the Deleta kids.
"Rink Rats." They have truly become friends of mine. I care about so many of the kids that 
come into the Rink and there are so many nights at work that they make my evening
so much better just by being there and talking to me.

It is amazing how much you learn about yourself when sitting in the library. Never in a million years
would I have ever thought I would be without a doubt in Love with so many people. 
This week Deleta is closed to the public and I can officially say that I am going 
to miss the Friday and Saturday night crowd. They "light up my world like no body else." 

Until Next Time.


  1. Oh how I miss you so much! I am not even a deleta kid and I think you are the coolest person ever!

  2. Can I have your autograph Deleta guy?

  3. Gah, adorable. Just, adorableness all-round.


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