Bathrooms Are Around The Corner.

Wiggity what's going on? Well I'll tell you, I am having some Me time. Not like, "Me Time, touch-touch" but actual Me time. Where I am just enjoying myself. Not talking to anyone right now, not FBooking, nothing. Just, Jacob. 


After a crazy night with some friends in the Audiology Program, I need a good quiet day. Although today is definitely the opposite of that. I have been working all day at Deleta...with music so loud that we are creating great Job Security for Audiologists. 

On a cute little rainy day, I am chillin' in the Mocha Madness drinking some green tea before my next shift at the rink and I have realized something. There is nothing wrong with treating myself to a little somethin' somethin' every now and again. I have been so obsessed with saving money and never doing anything fun, but that is ending. What did I do yesterday? I bought a pair of $700 skates, JUST BECAUSE I WANTED THEM. 


And it felt so good to just treat myself to something nice. And tomorrow I am having a complete Spa day :) Getting a mani, pedi, waxing my eyebrows, and getting a lovely rub down. I freaking deserve it. After all I am ISU's Student of the Year ;) ha ha (I am gonna use that excuse for everything now, just because I can).

I am beginning to do things for myself and not for other people. I thought about a lot of the things I have done in the past and the motivation behind it all was for another person and not myself. I get in these weird moods where I feel like I can't do something unless I am doing it for someone else, well eff that couch! I am an independent fella and I am gonna keep it that way. 

No more working out to look good for another guy, but to feel good about myself.
No more applying for scholarships down in Arizona to move closer to a once Loved one, but rather apply for scholarships to fund my education.
No more reading stupid books like The Hunger Games to feel included, but reading stupid books so I can prove to myself I am not the worst writer in the world. 
No more being nice to people because I have to be, but because I actually like some people.

It's all for me this summer. 


  1. I do applaud your efforts to focus more on your needs, wants, and desires. It's very important to not forget yourself in the eyes of others. However...being a good PR guy, I have to play devil's advocate...there is nothing wrong with having shared desires, i.e. looking good for you but also for another, reading a particular book to cultivate a stronger relationship within your social circle, etc, just to name a few. There is a very fine line between putting yourself first and being a selfishly egotistical prick.

    1. Well it is a very good thing that I love being a selfishly egotistical prick :) I am sure I will get along just fine.


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