Require People To Apply For Pregnancy.

I realized that there are things that are way scarier than spiders and clowns.
I wonder what it would be like to have no identity. To go though something that 
causes permanent damage to memory, both short and long term.
It is so terrifying to think about. Not knowing anything about, well, anything. 
Not knowing who I am, where I am, who anyone is, or how to do anything. Having to 
relearn to walk, function, relearn everything. 

I could only imagine what it would be like to wake up one morning and have
no recollection of anything. No foundation for who I am. Walking around the house and
seeing photos of me with people that I cannot recall their name nor where it was taken.
Walking around town and having people come up to me claiming they
know me and relate stories about me that apparently "happened."

I cannot think of anything scarier than losing all memory of existence.
It gives me chills and I start to tear up when I even think about it. 
I imagine the utter terror that a person would feel when they realize they know 
absolutely nothing about themselves and their surroundings. 
It would be such an overwhelmingly helpless feeling. 

It would be worse than moving to a country where you didn't know the language 
and didn't know a single person. Even then you would still be able to 
get by, or to hop on the FBook machine and interact with people you know.
But losing all memory, you wouldn't even know that the FBook machine 
existed nor your family or friends. Eeek. Goosebumps, I am 
creepin' myself out, it's time to stop talking about it.

Until Next Time.


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