Watching Public Television On My TV.

Dear Marley,

I wanted to thank you for the wonderful friend you have become. 
A friendship like ours is unique. Others may look in from the outside and 
see a regular acquaintanceship between a Credit Union teller and a customer, but 
if they only knew how much you changed my life. If you knew how much I 
appreciate all our conversations, you would know that I consider you 
to be not only the person that takes my money, but a dear friend. 
I always left the credit union feeling so happy and at the top of my game. 

People are going to read this and think it is a bit odd to be so attached to 
a teller, but they never will know exactly why I have grown to Love you so much.
No one will understand how much of a comforter you were for me when 
Jeffrey and I broke up, when school was just getting so hard I couldn't take it,
or how big of a supporter you were for me when I came out to my family,
and when I wanted to move out on my own. Your words of kindness,
inspiration and encouragement always brought peace to my soul. 

I saw you as more than the lady on the other side of the counter. You were 
my confidant. Some people talk to the mailman, others to close friends or family, but you had 
a quality about you that made me so comfortable coming to you and telling all. I cannot count the
 number of times I broke down in the middle of the credit union and you willingly took 
on the role of best friend and comforted me and talked me though all my silly dilemmas.
 I can honestly say I was more excited about coming into the credit union to talk to you
than I was about cashing my paychecks

Today, Marley, you are missed by so many, including me. 28 years of age
is young for anyone to pass on, but for you it was far too early. 

I guess what I am trying to say Marley is I am grateful that you came into my
life. The strange and unexpected friendship we created means more to me than 
anyone will ever be able to realize. Thank you for a wonderful 3 year friendship. 
The friendship won't soon be forgotten and you will never be forgotten.

Press on with your duties. You are Loved, missed and appreciated.

Jacob Scott Diller


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