
Showing posts from August, 2012

Britney Spears Is Better Than Lady Gaga.

As of 3 days ago, I became obsessed with Legally Blond the Musical. If I wasn't Gay before, I am now. It is definitely  one of my all time, hands down, totes magoats, favsies ever. Check it out on the pronoun channel. As for how this week has been panning out? It has been a load of stress. Already. I am so far behind and it is only the third day of class. Shoooooooot dang boi. I just need this weekend you come so I can get caught up on everything BEFORE I start going back to work Yikes..Oh it has been very nice, the Rink has been closed this whole week so that allows me to settle into the whole student life again. But, it is definitely taking everything outta me right now. As for the photo...I am loving the facial hair. I think I look ultra sexy and damn right doable. But I need to invest in a different trimmer. One that lets me trim it without taking off all the hair.  The trimmer I have now works wonders if I want to take the hair off all the way to th

The Title: Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever.

Omigod, omigod you guys!! School begins tomorrow. I am slightly freaking out. Just slightly. I am relieved that all my credit garbage has been worked out. I am not at 16 credits :) Huzzah. The only problem is how sucky my schedule is. Like every other semester, I have at least an hour in between almost every class. Ugh, I know that I say I will study between the classes...but we all know what will actually happen. Facebook. Blogger. Email. Pinterest. Allrecipes.FIGFCU As it is a new semester I will hopefully approach it as a new beginning and tackle everything that will be thrown my way. I have signed up for an aerobic kickboxing class AND a yoga class :) I gotta keep these limbs firm and flexible. Oh, check this out...see that word in the middle of the VA P1 purple block.. THAT'S MY GORGEOUS NAME!!! Yeah it is official. I am on the clinic schedule :) Makes me smile. I am kinda cool like that. Natalie called today. It is always a joy talk

Oct 16th, Day Before My Bday.

It has been an interesting previous 48 hours.  Interesting to me, not to anyone else of course.  It may seem quite normal to everyone else, but to me it has been a fairly interesting 2880 minutes, give or take a few. (Events not in time sequence) Finally receiving a phone call from the cop that left his card on my car. Meaning the insurance will hopefully go through and I'll get a lovely fat check :) Made some delicious lemon squares, then dropped them on the floor, of course lemon side down. Realizing school starts in 3 days, and not really panicking. Standing in the shower, completely happy. A different happy from in-a-good-mood happy. Just simply enjoying my life. No forced or artificial smile. Discovering just how much I care about certain individuals and placing their  dreams and happiness above mine. I actual like mustard. A man walked into work wearing my ring, and I wanted to jump through the window and take it. I know none of

Do What You Want With It.

It's been a pretty eventful beginning of the week. Sunday: I went to the dinner with the Perry family...refer to previous post and you will know all about the dinner...well for the most part. Monday: I spend the day in Idaho Falls. I got free tickets to the Chukars baseball game from  Brad. It was such a nice getaway. Although it was only 45 miles away and in Idaho Falls, it was nice. (ps, I hate IF) I am trying the whole facial hair thing. Gonna keep it for a while and see what happens.  Although I don't really get the whole sport of  baseball, even though I played for 2 years. But I do enjoy watching all the boys run around in tight pants :) Okay, next photo...look at with caution.  It was supposed to be an innocent little joke between my sister. You know that whole game where you create a circle  with your thumb and index finger...and when someone looks at it you get to punch them. Well I made the symbol...took the photo,

Faster, Faster Like A Rabbit.

This post brought to you by, Papa Murphy's.  They don't know it, but they supplied me with the fun  Mini Murph. It's a delightful little DIY pizza :) Sara and I made some of the most delicious pizzas, ever. This time, original pizza, next time, heart shaped. Tonight I spent the evening with 6 of the most amazing people I have met. Some delightful customers from the rink invited me over for Sunday dinner. I have grown an affinity for these people. Lance and Jessica Perry and their adorable daughter Vivian. Come to find out she is sisters with one of the members of the Gay community, that I don't know very well...Cherese Farmer :) I also got to meet 2 more of their sisters. And the whole family is wonderful. Just great company. How delightful. We got a chance to meet and actually get to know each other. Anyway, Dinner was absolutely stellar. We had a great BBQ and I was in charge of the dessert. I was already wearing a red shirt, so I thought

Once He Was A Family Man.

recent obsessions 1. yoga. completely obsessed. i go to classes every tuesday  and thursday. and do it in the morning alone monday, wednesday, friday, saturday.  with the occasional nude yoga sundays. yoga does it for me. 2.amy winehouse. dead, but her music is amazing. i listen to her every day. album after album. she's got my ipod on replay. most current favorite ....  before you press play, get a glass of wine, or beverage  of choice. sink into your favorite comfort place. and close your eyes. 3. jam skating. it rules my life. my legs are covered in bruises my back is so sore. my arms are jello. but

I've Felt Tanky In It Lately.

Imma just say it, I like Salt Lake City. I used to absolutely detest it. I've no clue why I like it so much now...but I do. I've been there 3 times in the last 2 weeks. I am not a huge fan of the whole  Beehive stuff...but SLC is the best place to shop within 3 hours. This time, I took my niece Kayleigh with me. We were on a clothes shopping! Needless to say, I LOVE this little girl. We had the best of time crashing to malls and  walking the streets of Salt Lake.  Shopping was an absolute success.  Muh Roo now has 10 new outfits for school :) And I may have gotten myself a lil' somethin;' somethin'. Here are a few photos from our little trip. 1.  ERMAHGERD! LERK, ERTS A CERSTL! 2.Well, duh, it's me...Leaving SLC..Until we meet again. 3. H&M, Nuff Said. 4. My little Rooster and I heading to get our shop on! 5. "Can I go to the upper floors to see the castle?" *Said in a British Accen

You're Attached To Me.

In a conversation with Christopher today I mentioned  why I only say "Ha ha" (or any variation of thus) instead of "LOL" via text. Reasoning: I find "LOL" confusing because people say it with out  actually laughing. It has evolved into a filler or something  to say when you don't have anything to say.  When people use it all the time, at first I think I am hilarious cause they are ALWAYS Laughing Out Loud...but then in reality it is not true. It is just something to say when you have no real response. I use "Ha ha" (et al variations) because I literally am laughing. Maybe not Out Loud...sometimes...other times in my head.  That would be a weird acronym..Laughing In My Head. LIMH. I kinda like it...I might use that one now. Enjoy these photos of Natalie and Me Laughing and Fake Laughing.  ALSO, since I had to explain myself about the Ha ha and the LOL.... I also said  that I don't say the

Should I Fear For My Teeth.

I have been on this ridiculous shopping streak for a while now. It.Must.End. Every single day I go shopping. Some days it is just a tank top here and a  pair of shoes there. Other days it gets out of control. It's not just a tank top or shoes... it's $100.00 here, $300.00 there. It is a serious problem and I can't stop. I see things I like. And I buy. Luckily I haven't convinced myself that the whole Buy Now, Pay Later theory is a good one. But since we are talking about shopping.. look at how cute I look in my new outfit. It is becoming my favorite look. Mega casual, ultra fine.  I vow, after this coming Tuesday, the shopping will end. I am going to Salt Lake to take my niece school shopping. And that will be it. I guess since I am not really shopping for myself...I can say that the whole shopping spree is over. Right?  Side note, I am loving this sunshine...I get to get my tan on like no bodies business :) A little Vitami

Somewhere Random Puking Your Guts Out.

It's official, I am paranoid. I have never felt scared going for a run.  Running around my parent's neighborhood is the scariest thing I have ever done. Why is it scary? Cause there are dogs. I like dogs...LOVE dogs. But when I am running along enjoying the sweat stinging my eyes, and a dog comes out of nowhere and gets right up next to the fence and foaming at the mouth barking, I turn into a little school girl. Screaming my head off, sometimes falling over, or side jumping into a  car, garbage can, recycle bin, tree, lamp post, off the sidewalk and fall into the street...etc. WAIT!  Where does the paranoia come in? Well after getting scared and running in to objects on the side of the road, I start seeing things...shadows. Usually my OWN shadow. I see the movement and get freaked out and convince myself that  someone is following me and just waiting until I out of the streetlamp's light/ Once out of the safety of the dim yellow light, they

I Want To Punch Her And Her Kid.

Attachment is a strange little thing.  Especially with me.  It is no secret that I have serious addictions to people.  Normally these infatuations die out in 2 or 3 days.  I've a friend that has seemed to break the Die-out Streak. In comparison, comparison is healthy I think, Mi Amigo  has been so far different from everyone else I come in contact with. Main difference being propositioning isn't a topic of discussion. We just, talk.  We've met once. Just once.  It is as if we have known each other for longer than 2 weeks.  Now the difficult stuff. The attachment is starting to develop. Eeeeek. I am trying to turn my brain off and just take everything in as it comes. This Ami is not here, nor will be.  And in time, will be further than a drive away. I live by the following: If you Love someone, tell them. If you are thinking about someone, let them know. If you think, "I Love You," say it for people are taken away 

Lol! You're Making Me Anxious.

Well today was, indeed, extremely unproductive. I only accomplished 2 of the 8 items outlined in my agenda for today. Sadly the two items completed were raiding the garden and running. I feel gross. I didn't even shower. How could anyone like a guy like me? I forget to shower. Instead of doing the things I said I would, I went to the salon and hung out with my sista Amanda and coworker Sara, while Sara added some biggity blond. As stimulating as it was,  I discovered a few things... A. My legs are pretty darn beautiful. B. I need to shave them, still. C. My black TOMS are incredibly worn out and I need new ones. D. I have gotten a heck of a lot more flexible. After wasting 2 hours at the salon, I had a yoga class.  My body just loves yoga. I could do it for hours.  At the end of the of the last poses we did was a headstand. And I DOMINATED! Those ladies won't be laughing at me for not being able to do it now. Who was the

I Have A Huge Undies Fetish.

Best part of my morning: I am pretty sure this photo explains it all. I love cool summer morning bike rides. It is perfect when the air is just chilly enough to make the hair on my arms stand up, but the coldness is cancelled out by the warm sun on my back.  Eeeek, perfect. What is on today's agenda? 1. Raid mom's garden for some zucchini. 2. Get eyebrows waxed. 3. Trim. 4. Go running. 5. At some point shower. 6. Sun bathe.  7. Hit up a few stores for some clothes. 8. Read. I am running out of things to blog about. My life isn't that interesting. Suggestions? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Anything?

I Can Probably Take Trax Downtown.

I never realized how much I L.O.V.E. love Frosted Flakes. What's for breakfast Jacob? Frosted Flakes. What's for lunch Jacob? Frosted Flakes. What's for dinner Jacob? Frosted Flakes. 3:28 AM- What's for a snack Jacob? Frosted Flakes. Frosted Flakes.Are.My.Life. Aside from chowin' down on Frosted Flakes, I spend the majority of my day doing this... That's right...working on my yoga doing headstands. Some of the  ladies in my yoga class make me feel ridiculous.  There is something wrong when a 40+ year old lady can do a  headstand and I can't. But, as of today, I have been dominating the  headstand.  Recent development: I am keeping the facial hair :)  No neck beard, just the jawline and above. Sexy scruff. Just a little Su'em su'em for ya'll. (Britney + Acoustic = semi delightful)

Shampoo, Shaving Cream, Women's Personal Products.

Firstly, I was flipping through the phone book the other day at work, being very productive,  and stumbled upon this little beauty. Yes yes, I realize it isn't the ACTUAL  US Post Office, but it is still funny that there is a cocktail lounge with that name. It would explain why my dad is usually in a really good mood when he gets off work. Next on the agenda, I am obsessed with the chickita on the Youtube machine... Pomplamoos   I dunno what it is about her voice, but I loooooooove. She makes Beyonce's  Single Ladies seem even more lame. Ha. She does a great cover of it, but it is so simple  that it exposes the lyrics at face value. I also think I loooooooove her music cause she includes a xylophone in the instrumentation. Something about a xylophone makes a person legit. Yes, that is a lot of O's...but one O for ever O-face I had listening to her music. ....I dunno why I just said that.  Weekend Summation: Kadyn crapped out on me for goi