The Title: Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever.

Omigod, omigod you guys!!
School begins tomorrow. I am slightly freaking out.
Just slightly. I am relieved that all my credit garbage has been worked out.
I am not at 16 credits :) Huzzah. The only problem is how sucky
my schedule is. Like every other semester, I have at least an
hour in between almost every class. Ugh, I know that I say
I will study between the classes...but we all know what will
actually happen. Facebook. Blogger. Email. Pinterest. Allrecipes.FIGFCU

As it is a new semester I will hopefully approach it as a new beginning
and tackle everything that will be thrown my way.
I have signed up for an aerobic kickboxing class AND a yoga class :)
I gotta keep these limbs firm and flexible.

Oh, check this out...see that word in the middle of the VA P1 purple block..
Yeah it is official. I am on the clinic schedule :) Makes me smile.
I am kinda cool like that.

Natalie called today. It is always a joy talking to her.
She stuck her head in the ceiling fan at home and cut her head open.
No big deal. Just bleeding everywhere. Gotta love her.
Oh and I bought my plane ticket to Denver...!!!!!!!!!

As a side note, there's this boy.
I think I'll leave it at that for now.

Until Next Time.


  1. Dude I took kickboxing aerobics and it kicked my butt literally I freaking loved it! I was in the best shape of my life after that class!!

  2. So you're kind of a big deal! Way to make it on the clinical schedule whoo whoop!I freakin' love you and you are going to kick this semesters A-ss! (I hope you said that really enunciating the A) Oooo When are you going to Denver? I am totally planning a trip to go there! :)


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