Should I Fear For My Teeth.

I have been on this ridiculous shopping streak for a while now.
Every single day I go shopping. Some days it is just a tank top here and a 
pair of shoes there.
Other days it gets out of control. It's not just a tank top or shoes...
it's $100.00 here, $300.00 there.
It is a serious problem and I can't stop. I see things I like. And I buy.

Luckily I haven't convinced myself that the whole Buy Now, Pay Later theory is a good one.

But since we are talking about shopping.. look at how cute I look in my new outfit.

It is becoming my favorite look. Mega casual, ultra fine. 

I vow, after this coming Tuesday, the shopping will end. I am going
to Salt Lake to take my niece school shopping. And that will be it.
I guess since I am not really shopping for myself...I can say that the whole
shopping spree is over. Right? 

Side note, I am loving this sunshine...I get to get my tan on like no bodies business :)
A little Vitamin D never ACTUALLY hurt anyone.


  1. I did love your outfit from yesterday! A little vitamin D, no. Alot.... Yes, that's called cancer :)


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