Do What You Want With It.

It's been a pretty eventful beginning of the week.
I went to the dinner with the Perry family...refer to previous
post and you will know all about the dinner...well for the most part.
I spend the day in Idaho Falls.
I got free tickets to the Chukars baseball game from 
Brad. It was such a nice getaway. Although it was only
45 miles away and in Idaho Falls, it was nice.
(ps, I hate IF)

I am trying the whole facial hair thing.
Gonna keep it for a while and see what happens. 
Although I don't really get the whole sport of 
baseball, even though I played for 2 years.
But I do enjoy watching all the boys run around
in tight pants :)

Okay, next photo...look at with caution. 
It was supposed to be an innocent little joke between my sister.
You know that whole game where you create a circle 
with your thumb and index finger...and when someone
looks at it you get to punch them.
Well I made the symbol...took the photo,
but didn't realize that I was basically falling out of my shorts,
again. Happened twice during yoga. Great.
I sent the photo to Natalie, and this was her reply.
"I can see your penis."
Nothing about the game..just the peen.

Semi inappropriate but silly and funny.
Not only did I fall out of my shorts a few times today, 
I got back into the swing of running, biking and daily.
Gotta get as much of it in as I can before school starts!!

 Hopefully I can keep the blogging going after school starts.
Until Next Time.


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