Lol! You're Making Me Anxious.

Well today was, indeed, extremely unproductive.
I only accomplished 2 of the 8 items outlined in my agenda for today.
Sadly the two items completed were raiding the garden and
running. I feel gross. I didn't even shower.
How could anyone like a guy like me? I forget to shower.

Instead of doing the things I said I would, I went to the salon and
hung out with my sista Amanda and coworker Sara, while Sara
added some biggity blond. As stimulating as it was, 
I discovered a few things...

A. My legs are pretty darn beautiful.
B. I need to shave them, still.
C. My black TOMS are incredibly worn out and I need new ones.
D. I have gotten a heck of a lot more flexible.

After wasting 2 hours at the salon, I had a yoga class. 
My body just loves yoga. I could do it for hours. 
At the end of the of the last poses we did was a headstand.
And I DOMINATED! Those ladies won't be laughing at me for
not being able to do it now. Who was the first one up, and last one down?
Yeah, that's right, Me. I am mega proud of it. 

Soon after yoga and zumba, my super cute friend 
Lyndsay and I went to the Quad at ISU and roller skated the evening away.
Wooooooot!!! I love the time I get with her. We talk about everything.
Boys, school, boys, boys, work, boys, summer, boys and more boys.
I LOVE IT! We show photos, go in depth about everything. 
It is so nice to have a friend to tell everything to.

And now I am obsessing, again, over the Youtube video 
Beauty and the Beat
Freaking hilarious! I just can't get enough of it.

Until Next Time. 


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