
Showing posts from January, 2012

But That's Where The Prostate Is.

I've fallen <3

Your Husband Can't Know I'm 160 Lbs.

Washington state has seen the light!! It is great that another state is giving the right for Gays to get married :) Hurray...I think that I need to go to grad school there now. Move to Seattle, Maybe I will find a cute guy there, go out on a couple dates, fall in Like, experience my twenties like I should be, have coffee/tea in a bohemian style cafe', talk, laugh, do all kinds of random shit, rent mopeds and explore Seattle, go to a concert or two, relax by the fireplace in my 2 bedroom apartment that I got a smashing deal on, and then fall in Love. I dunno maybe that won't happen...but I would like it to. Seriously debating if I wanna stay at ISU for grad school or if I want to go some place else...I know that if I actually stayed here, I would be loved by all, I mean I already have it in with my adviser and the faculty just likes me to no end, the tuition is cheap, not to mention and Au.D from ISU is kind of impressive, but it is worth it? Is it worth staying here in Pocatell...

Most Epic Music You'll Ever Hear.

It feels good again to have a person that I see regularly again. It is nice to have a friend that I can hang out with and I mean, yes you all are my friends, but we both know that we aren't the friends that just call each other up everyday to hang out, or even just to chat. A recent hire at Deleta... Sara. I am so glad that I saved her application and passed it on. Normally, I collect the incoming applications, and go through them... do the normal checks..... Look at employment history, reasons for leaving, schooling, GPA, see if there are any applicable skills, call references and get a little background info.... you know, the usual things. First thing I did when I got her application was pull out my handy sticky notes and write "Looks like one of us" and put it on her application. Good thing that I did that and passed her application on because she is one of my very favorite coworkers now...and calling her a coworker seems a little mean...she is one of my r...

Wait? Harry Potter Music Scores? Yep.

Dooooode, today I kicked ass today. Not gonna lie, when I panic, I get shit done. Freaked out about JUST realizing that I need to have 2 observations a week at the Aud. Clinic...and Thursday is the last day to get into a clinic session...I realized this lovely bit o' info Wednesday like 7. So, I panicked. Got all my homework done when I got off work...and I was in the Aud clinic at 7:50 waiting to sign up for any available sessions. Got my two for this week. I have assignments that aren't due until next week ALREADY FINISHED. Hell ya. Also, just found this photo on my phone...from December when it ACTUALLY snowed when it was supposed to. And I was running down a hill, of snow...trying not to fall, and show people that snow, CAN.BE.FUN. (Can being the key word there)

Your Flys Undone...Yeah, I Know.

Mother Nature, you are sick. Mid January and snow? WTF-FTW! I'm pissed. You give up delightful weather all of December and the greater part of January and now you're pissing on us? You suck. HARD.CORE. Oh a happier note, I figured out how to instantly look younger... Shave. And do your hair. But it's such a pain to shave every day..or even every week. Obviously I didn't fully shave...I only used a trimmer and trimmed the hair as close to the skin as possible. I cannot stand using a razor...First of all you get the nasty razor burn because the skin isn't used to the the blades running over it. Secondly it is so time consuming. Thirdly, razors are so effing expensive, although I have been doing some extreme couponing lately and I have purchased 10 5-blade razors with a refill for 3 dollars...Wiggity what? Ya, extreme couponing is fun. I like to think I can pull off the scruff look. I mean look at these men...scruff is sexy... All scruffy...All sexy. One day, I will b...

Hello Sir, The Reason I Am Calling.

Okay I guess it is about time that I talk about the beginning of the semester and what I am taking and how I am feeling about it all. Better do it now so when it comes to midterms and I am complaining about professors or classes, you will all be caught up to speed. Caution to everyone, this will probably be extremely boring just because none of you really care about what I am going to school for...I understand. We all care about our own schooling and not each others. This semester I am taking some really awesome classes (Notice that it is only the second week of class and I have yet to experience the shit that is about to unveil itself). I am taking an Audiometry and Hearing class.... which I just got out of and I love it. Dr. Brockett is hilarious and he makes the class so interesting. I can already tell you that I will only have good things to say about this class. I mean the man is making everything so easy for us. He allows us to take our quizzes 3 time and he will take the highest...

Second Class Citizens.

I have been out for nearly two years...March 10th will be my two year mark and I am excited for it. I am excited to be, hopefully, a part of the several things that need to happen with respect to Gay Rights. I think I am starting to get into that phase where I am all about Gay Rights. I know that it may be important to me, and not to other people, but in the long run, what is important to me is SO MUCH more important than what is important to you, to me of course. (Wait, did that even make sense?) To each his/her own. I have been crazy obsessed with Ryan James Yezak on Youtube and a channel he is a part of, Gaysoftheweek. He produces music videos...not like actual music videos with the artist of the song, but he puts his own spin on it, "Gaying" up the videos. They are just delightful to watch. Well his latest project is a documentary called "The Gay Rights Movement." Watch... This is the most powerful video I have seen about Gay Rights. I cannot wait until this doc...

I Hate Being Friends First.

This post is coming from my livingroom floor :) Why the livingroom floor? Well because Me being completely talented has thrown my back out in the process of standing up. I dunno what the hell happened but I was in the process of standing up and reaching for my phone and laptop at the same time and all the sudden my back did this weird little spasm and next think I know, I am on the floor on all fours and I can't move. Teehee. So I have been down here for about an hour now....And Lakota is on his way over. Hopefully we can figure out what to do. I have these weird back spasms and what not. I never know when they are gonna happen, but when they do happen it's awful. While I am down here I might as well elaborate on my day. On a scale from 1 to Death, it was about a Wanna-Make-Out-With-Poprocks-Just-To-Try-It night. Weird, sounds like it would be fun and good, but just turns out to be disappointing. I got a ton of sleep last night, and it was some of the best rest I have had in a...

The Purest Mountain.

I miss seeing these. Yes childish, but It would make dating so much more fun. I dunno if it is wise to admit, but I am Totally in a vulnerable stage at the moment. If I was playing Scrabble with someone, and They put this on the table, I'd totally Kiss them.

Don't Have Long Grain Rice.

Yesterday was definitely the work night from Hell. Some of our customers were bat-shit crazy. I dunno what was up, but everyone that came skating seemed to have some kind of social-acceptability disorder or something. First customer was absolutely arrogant and a walking definition of White Trash. The uncle of one of the birthday boys comes up to me in the snack bar and tells me that he would like to get another pizza for his party. "Okay, that will be about 25-30 minutes." "What? It takes you 20 minutes to order a pizza??!" "I just got off the phone with Papa Murphy's and placed an order of pizzas and they said we could come and get the pizzas in about 20 minutes. So yes, 20 minutes." "I could walk over there and get it myself in 5 minutes!!!" ...Next thing I know the man storms out, not allowing me to tell him about the $4.00 Cooking Fee we have if you bring your own pizzas in for us to cook... He comes back throws his pizza at me "See ...

Labradoodles Are Real?

It's a Facebook emergency!!! None of my friends have a birthday today. What to do? I don't get to wish anyone a happy birthday and be one of the other 97 friends that writes on their wall. I guess I will just have to wait for the next birthday, and when it comes, I am going to explode Happy Birthday Mess All over their wall. Well real reason for writing this morning is, it is frackin' cold out. Normally I can handle the chill weather, but this is too cold for me. I had to break out the Lesbian Sweater because of how cold it is. I guess it doesn't really help that I turned my heat off. It is just too damn expensive to run my heater all night long. So I decided I would just bundle up in blankets and leave my oven open after I bake something. When I woke up this morning, I looked at my thermostat and it was 55 degrees in my apartment ha.

Got That Jesus Glitter On My Eyes.

Update on the Exercise front. Shit, I can NEVER spell exercise correctly on the first, second, third....etc. try. If I were in a spelling bee, I would lose if they gave me that stoopi' word. Thank GOD for the little red squiggly line that appears under all misspelled words and the auto correct option. Anywhoodle, I have been going to the gym again, because I have developed this stoopi' layer of chub around the top of my hips..ya the delicious Muffin Top. WTF, I always had a little muffin top going, but I still looked rockin'. I assume it is because during the whole break I stayed in my apartment and watched all 8 seasons of Will & Grace... twice. Probably not the best decision made, especially in the Health department, BUT oh well. I suffer the consequences...not dancing around my apartment naked. I am determined to get back into shape and be able to dance naked again. THIS IS NOT A NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!!! There are a couple things that just irritate me about going to t...

Zing!!! :)

You know I talk a lot of shit about my family, specifically my parents, and it would be stupid of me to be all like Oh-I-Didn't-Mean-It-I-Was-Just-Angry-When-I-Said-It, but we all know that would be a load of garbage. I mean it when I am upset, I mean it even when I have calmed down and realize that maybe it wasn't the worst thing in the world to happen. But even through all the I'm-So-Angry-I-Don't-Wanna-See-Or-Talk-To-Them frustrations, I believe I have never said the words "I Hate My Parents," or "I Hate My Family." All I have to say is sometimes my parents can be pretty legit. Last night my mom called me and told me that she had a present for me. I was all excited about it, and just couldn't wait to see what it was. Yes, I know, they way to get to a Gay man's heart is to shower him with gift. Superficial? Yes. But isn't it the same way you get to a woman's heart or to a child's heart? Definitely is. Oh story before the story ...

Usher Added A New Photo.

I Have absolutely nothing to blog about. No bitching about the beginning of a new semester. No new broken records to share. No New Years Resolutions to commit myself to. Nothing on the battle front with Jeffrey. Not a single thing about work. No exciting story about how I did that one thing at that one place that one time. Although I have nothing to talk about, I just wanna talk. Blog...tell you what's on my mind, but there is nothing there. I would tell you about my crazy experience at the gym this morning, but I didn't go to the gym. I'd say something about how I lost 10 pounds and how I am starting to look good in a deep-v, but I didn't lose 10 pounds, and I still look weird in a deep-v. It's slightly sad that my life has come to an excitement plateau. I need something to all of the sudden happen, to shoot me into an adventure induced frenzy.

I Say The Second One :)

Today was one of those days that I just wish my life was like a Ke$ha music video. Specifically one like "Your Love Is My Drug." It just looks like so much fun. Say what you want about Ke$ha..."It's like a pile of dirty clothes had sex with a pile of glitter, and Ke$ha was born" Ya... it may be true, but you gotta admit, life with Ke$ha would definitely be a stellar time. I watch that video and I just wanna cover myself in glitter, rat my hair, and dance with my ipod in, in public or something like that. Aside from the daily drunkenness, possibility of having every STD, and 3 week periods of not showering, she seems like a wholesome gal. This semester, my goal is to make it like a Ke$ha music video. Fun. Exciting. Glitter.

Tones Calves And Hamstrings xD

Record time for doing 25 laps around the rink. 5 minutes 13 seconds. Record time for closing at work tonight. Walking out of there at 9:03 pm. Record time for getting home on my bike. 6 minutes 27 Seconds. Record time for burning a grilled cheese sandwich. 47 seconds. Record time for peeing as long as possible. 4 minutes and 06 seconds. Record time for going from a great record breaking mood to a breaking laptop mood. 2 seconds. I was in such a great mood today for breaking so many of my personal records, and then I get home from work, Hurry and get out of my biking attire and into some jammies. Burn my grilled cheese sandwich, plop down on the bed for a lovely affair with Will and Grace, but when I open my laptop and turn it on... I experience this... WTF----FTW?! Ya. Obviously it was a stupid idea to ride my bike home with a laptop and a can of Chicken-Frickin'-Noodle Soup in the same bag. The can of cns was pushing up against the back of my co...

Do You Have Roommates?

Now I am not really a religious guy. I don't like religion. The whole organization part of it just doesn't seem right. Something about expecting everyone to be the same and act the same is a little off when everyone is their own person and unique in every way, it just doesn't work. But I was doing my normal nightly youtube browsing and a came across a song that I sang when I was in high school and I have fallen even more in love with it. MO-TAB is definitely one of my favorite choirs in the world. Yes, I think it has something to do with my Mormon background, but really, they are truly awesome. I still get the chills whenever I listen to this song. Here are the lyrics: Come thou fount of every blessing tune my heart to sing thy grace. Streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above. Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it, mount of thy redeeming love. Here I raise my Ebenezer; Hither by thy hel...

Tell Me Something Good.

I am finally starting to think about purchasing a TV. *Gasp* I know, me, spending money on a non-necessity. The only thing is, is I don't know enough about the different brands of TVs to make a logical decision. All I know is I want a 42" LCD. I only want the TV so I can play some Mario and some Just Dance and watch Will and Grace on something besides my laptop. Anyone have any idea on what a good brand for a TV is? LG? Sony? Panasonic? Toshiba? B.T. Doubs, I am pretty sure the phrase "Pocket Gay" originated from Will and Grace...Season 5 episode 5. You know the episode where Will goes on a bike ride with Leo and Grace and meets a guy that is half his size, ha ha and Karen goes to a LGBT Support Group as a form of therapy.

Jacob Diller....Just Stay, Don't Leave.

The New Year is here :) And boy was it a fantastic evening! This year I spent NYE at Charley's with a shit ton of amazing people! The night began with a delightful Fancy Dinner, super classy music and friendly chatter. Then just a sock-rockin' Drag show with the talented Spike Naughahide and after....DANCING GALORE!! I have never danced so much in my life! It was just amazing. The music was just right! Thanks to these two lovely people, Brad and Jodi, I had the best New Years ever. I am so happy for all the friends I have made within the past year. You all have made me a better person and helped me want to strive to make myself ever more amazing than I already am :) ha ha This year sure has been full of ups and downs -Being promoted to manager (↑) -Starting out the year the poorest I have ever been (↓) -Starting one of the hardest semesters ever (↓) -Watching my relationship with a man I Love so much slip away (↓) -Breaking up Jeffrey, not on the best terms (↓) -Lady Gaga Conce...