The Purest Mountain.

I miss seeing these. Yes childish, but

It would make dating so much more fun.

I dunno if it is wise to admit, but I am

Totally in a vulnerable stage at the moment.

If I was playing Scrabble with someone, and

They put this on the table, I'd totally

Kiss them.


  1. Me too. I miss it too even though it never works out well for me. I'd totally check yes in a very hetro female and homo male way. You know :)

  2. Haha, I love these! Someone's in a romantic mood ;) I go through the same "vulnerable" stages to. Like when you just want to curl up with someone, cuddle, kiss, just feel a physical connection in general.
    As for the scrabble... Let's play sometime ;)

    1. You have no idea. I go through these crazy romantic moods where it is all I can think of and it usually happens when something not so wonderful happens with the guy I am interested in. Always happens that way. I get interested and get super romantic when it is too late. Ha ha oh well though. You know exactly what I am talking about. I just want to have a physical connection...not necessarily sexual or anything, just a great connection.

    2. Yep. :) I'm good like that.
      I always feel the romantic mood around the holidays, and leading up to Valentine's Day, and then in random spurts when I just feel lonely and just want someone to just be close with.
      It's too complicated. Haha

    3. Oh gosh, I hate Valentine's Day. I always have. Even though I usually have a Valentine, I STILL hate it. Dumb expectations for stupid shit that need to get for that "Special" person.

    4. Exactly! haha V-Day is the time I realize PSH I'm fine being alone for now, I don't need one day out of the year to prove that I care about somebody.

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