Hello Sir, The Reason I Am Calling.

Okay I guess it is about time that I talk about the beginning of the semester and what I am taking and how I am feeling about it all. Better do it now so when it comes to midterms and I am complaining about professors or classes, you will all be caught up to speed. Caution to everyone, this will probably be extremely boring just because none of you really care about what I am going to school for...I understand. We all care about our own schooling and not each others.

This semester I am taking some really awesome classes (Notice that it is only the second week of class and I have yet to experience the shit that is about to unveil itself). I am taking an Audiometry and Hearing class.... which I just got out of and I love it. Dr. Brockett is hilarious and he makes the class so interesting. I can already tell you that I will only have good things to say about this class. I mean the man is making everything so easy for us. He allows us to take our quizzes 3 time and he will take the highest score...mind you that the quizzes are no longer than 10 questions...and when you finish taking one quiz you can see all the question that you got wrong and the ones that you got right...so pretty awesome. Did I mention that the quizzes are open the entire semester?? So I can be my procrastinating self and not do them until the very end of the semester or I can be my very productive self and do the whole semester in one day and never have to show up for class....But I like how he lectures so I think I will be the productive self, and STILL attend class...Now that is saying something.

Next class that I have today is Intro to Clinical Processes...L.O.V.E. love it. Sara Knudsen is hilarious and we get along like none other. Although I am fearing that this will be a class that I will complain about because of the work load.

IET... _________ Evaluation Team... I still dunno what the "I" stands for. Maybe I will figure it out before long. This class will kill me. There are so many observation hours that I have to complete. We have to choose a client that we will observe, luckily I got the first client and my observations will be over by the first week in February, so after the 3rd of Feb, I will only have to attend class once a week.


Undergraduate Audiology Clinic...OOOOO>>>>>MMMMM>>>>>GGGGGGG!! Yes. I am so excited for this. I cannot wait to actually be in the clinic and get to see what I will be doing for the rest of my life :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

There is another class I am taking, but I can't actually remember what the name of it is. Ha. I just know that I hate it already.

Oh my gosh, a guy that I have been watching for the past 2 weeks just walked into the computer lab!! :D He is just eye candy. Completely straight and not my type...but just nice to look at. Thank god for good looking guys around here. If it weren't for the eye candy, I think I would go crazy. Boy are not just an observation...wait I will post on this later.


  1. I stands for interdisciplinary! I knew that one!

    1. Bahaha Thank you Mady! I should have known you would know what it stood for. At least someone does :)


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