Second Class Citizens.

I have been out for nearly two years...March 10th will be my two year mark and I am excited for it. I am excited to be, hopefully, a part of the several things that need to happen with respect to Gay Rights.

I think I am starting to get into that phase where I am all about Gay Rights. I know that it may be important to me, and not to other people, but in the long run, what is important to me is SO MUCH more important than what is important to you, to me of course. (Wait, did that even make sense?)
To each his/her own.

I have been crazy obsessed with Ryan James Yezak on Youtube and a channel he is a part of, Gaysoftheweek. He produces music videos...not like actual music videos with the artist of the song, but he puts his own spin on it, "Gaying" up the videos. They are just delightful to watch.
Well his latest project is a documentary called "The Gay Rights Movement." Watch...

This is the most powerful video I have seen about Gay Rights. I cannot wait until this documentary is done. I will definitely be purchasing this.

I posted this on Facebook, and a couple friends commented on it, I just want to share their comments.

"I seriously almost started crying just from this video..The message punches you in the heart with the painful fact of how much hate there is in the world, and the even more obvious fact that WE are the ones that need to finish the fight that Harvey Milk, Martin Luther King Jr. and so many others have begun."

"as;dlkjf. GOD. All of the crap from the first four and a half minutes makes me so angry! More than anything else in the world. Do people not realize that there is a serious problem when Thirteen year olds are shooting themselves in the head because they feel like they aren't normal? because they're treated as second class citizens for being different? Our generation is going to be the generation that promotes, enforces, and makes change for the better."

I am happy to be a part of this generation that is starting to push Rights of those that are in love with a member of their same gender. It is time to change the negative onlooking of Homosexuality. We, as a community, will receive our Rights, and when that day comes, it will be such a great and powerful day. I can't wait.

My favorite quotes from the video:

"How many more Gay people does God have to create before we ask ourselves whether or not God wants them around?"
"How can we as people who make the laws say to one small group of our fellow citizens You know there is something about you that people don't like so you are not eligible for work, you can be fire, you can't get a promotion."
"When government starts to tell us who can love and what is good love, I do have a problem with that, I do."
"If you are for equal rights, why would you get married right now? It's like joining a country club that doesn't allow Blacks or Jews. There's no difference."
"Lt. Dan Choi has been fired from the military."
"We are not a nation that says Don't as Don't tell, we are a nation that says we are one."
"Some say that Domestic Partnerships are the same as marriage, that's a version of the discriminatory separate but equal argument of the past."
"You Love that person, but you can't marry them, that's wrong."
"To the Gay and Lesbian kids out there tonight who have been told that they are less than by their churches, by the government, or by their families, you are beautiful, wonderful creatures that are valued."
"It does get better."
God bless American and God bless the Gays."
"I am Gay."


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