Your Flys Undone...Yeah, I Know.

Mother Nature, you are sick. Mid January and snow? WTF-FTW! I'm pissed. You give up delightful weather all of December and the greater part of January and now you're pissing on us? You suck. HARD.CORE.

Oh a happier note, I figured out how to instantly look younger...

Shave. And do your hair.

But it's such a pain to shave every day..or even every week. Obviously I didn't fully shave...I only used a trimmer and trimmed the hair as close to the skin as possible. I cannot stand using a razor...First of all you get the nasty razor burn because the skin isn't used to the the blades running over it. Secondly it is so time consuming. Thirdly, razors are so effing expensive, although I have been doing some extreme couponing lately and I have purchased 10 5-blade razors with a refill for 3 dollars...Wiggity what? Ya, extreme couponing is fun.

I like to think I can pull off the scruff look. I mean look at these men...scruff is sexy...

All scruffy...All sexy. One day, I will be there, one day. Of course I'll be there when I can use an actual camera to take photos...instead of my phone. I need to new camera.


  1. See, I think the first picture is quite handsome!

  2. I can't believe this weekend is going to be the most snow we've gotten all year.
    It's also strange that the snow is coming once the temperatures get a bit higher. Boo!
    The only place I want snow is in the mountains so that I can go skiing. It's my prime seasonal opportunity to tone my thighs and calves. Hahaa


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