Zing!!! :)

You know I talk a lot of shit about my family, specifically my parents, and it would be stupid of me to be all like Oh-I-Didn't-Mean-It-I-Was-Just-Angry-When-I-Said-It, but we all know that would be a load of garbage. I mean it when I am upset, I mean it even when I have calmed down and realize that maybe it wasn't the worst thing in the world to happen. But even through all the I'm-So-Angry-I-Don't-Wanna-See-Or-Talk-To-Them frustrations, I believe I have never said the words "I Hate My Parents," or "I Hate My Family."

All I have to say is sometimes my parents can be pretty legit. Last night my mom called me and told me that she had a present for me. I was all excited about it, and just couldn't wait to see what it was. Yes, I know, they way to get to a Gay man's heart is to shower him with gift. Superficial? Yes. But isn't it the same way you get to a woman's heart or to a child's heart? Definitely is.

Oh story before the story I originally wanted to tell, but it still is relevant to the topic at hand. My car has had a ton of stupid problems with it... and by a ton, I mean two. The Check Engine light came on and being me, of course, calls my dad to fix the problem...or at least tell me exactly what is wrong with my car, even though has has not even checked it out. And he was WRONG! Yay, for the first time I was right and he was wrong. Yes I am going to hold onto the FOREVER! He said that it might be my oil...HA no! My oil was just fine :) But I will give him props because he then said that maybe it is because my battery is bad and that is the reason why my car isn't starting. Okay, okay, he gets 50/100. BUT that still isn't passing. Anywhoodle, we take my car to Auto Zone and get it checked...Diagnostics say it could be 1 of 3 things...
1.Low antifreeze
2.Low voltage to the temperature gauge, due to low battery
3.Broken temperature gauge
Well...I had ZERO antifreeze, the battery was bad and the temperature gauge is broken. Ha, so I now have to replace a battery...Luckily, my dad was able to get a pro-rate on the battery I already had and then he just put the remaining cost on his account. So new battery, and he filled my antifreeze, and replaced my temperature gauge. God, I have a nice dad.

Okay, back to the original story. Mom has a present for me. I come over to her house after getting the new battery in my car and her and I just talk about how the semester is starting out. Classes are gonna be intense, lots of observation hours required of me. I will be missing a shit ton of work because I have to observe at certain times...that usually happen during work. Then I tell her about how when I got home from school today I check my mail and have a utility bill... FOR MY ENTIRE LEASE PERIOD! That is 6 months of unpaid utilities. Okay I am kinda panicking because it was a little scary getting all that information at once... Okay the bill was only $138.00 for 6 months of gas and electricity, but still I would rather see it come to me month to month in increments of $15-20 at a time. I pay that bill. Check in the mail. Done. I call in to Idaho Power and Intermountain gas and change all the utilities into MY name so I get a bill EVERY month instead of every 6 months.

Now to the really good stuff. After telling her about that and how I am getting scared for my finances because of all the work I will be missing due to my required observations, she tells me that she is depositing $100 into my account every month to help me out with school costs, ie, books, online class fees, computing fees, just fees in general. Of course this semester I am getting my books from a friend so the cost won't be nearly as big as they would have been, but I will have a few books that I need to purchase for other classes. And what I relief it is to know that for the rest of my college years, my mother is going to buy my books for me. During the summer she said she will still continue to deposit $100 into my account so when school comes around in the fall I will have already have some money saved for those books :)

Stress levels have returned to a moderate level. I can now focus on class and not worrying about how I am going to pay for books and my fees for this semester AND the upcoming semesters.

And to think that I have been my only supporter for going to school...mom expressed to me how proud she is of me for doing this. Going to school. Working hard. It was just a reassurance to me of how much she loves me, even when there are some days that I am nearly convinced that she hates me, I am reminded of how much she loves and supports me...well in schooling that is :p

So hard semester? Bring.It.On.


  1. Ya nerd! I'm happy your car is fixed and happy your mom is being so awesome. And of course she loves you. Does that mean she likes everything about you, nope. But really you love your mom but do you like everything she does? Nope. Is a sad state of life but we are never completely 100% happy with anyone not even ourselves. Hugs and Smiles!


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