Wait? Harry Potter Music Scores? Yep.

Dooooode, today I kicked ass today.
Not gonna lie, when I panic, I get shit done.

Freaked out about JUST realizing that I need to have 2 observations a week at the Aud. Clinic...and Thursday is the last day to get into a clinic session...I realized this lovely bit o' info Wednesday night...at like 7. So, I panicked. Got all my homework done when I got off work...and I was in the Aud clinic at 7:50 waiting to sign up for any available sessions. Got my two for this week. I have assignments that aren't due until next week ALREADY FINISHED.

Hell ya.

Also, just found this photo on my phone...from December
when it ACTUALLY snowed when it was supposed to.
And I was running down a hill, of snow...trying not to fall,
and show people that snow, CAN.BE.FUN.
(Can being the key word there)


  1. Remember when we were all in gate city and when it snowed we would go to the ice rink to skate in our character shoes. Fun times.


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