Usher Added A New Photo.

I Have absolutely nothing to blog about.
No bitching about the beginning of a new semester.
No new broken records to share.
No New Years Resolutions to commit myself to.
Nothing on the battle front with Jeffrey.
Not a single thing about work.
No exciting story about how I did that one thing at that one place that one time.

Although I have nothing to talk about, I just wanna talk. Blog...tell you what's
on my mind, but there is nothing there.

I would tell you about my crazy experience at the gym this morning, but
I didn't go to the gym.

I'd say something about how I lost 10 pounds and how I am starting to
look good in a deep-v, but I didn't lose 10 pounds, and I still look weird
in a deep-v.

It's slightly sad that my life has come to an excitement plateau. I need
something to all of the sudden happen, to shoot me into an adventure induced


    I think we could all use a little adventure in our lives. Haha
    and as far as losing 10 lbs, I say PSH PSH. Most people look weird in a deep v, but I'm sure you look fine! Haha


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