Got That Jesus Glitter On My Eyes.

Update on the Exercise front.

Shit, I can NEVER spell exercise correctly on the first, second, third....etc. try. If I were in a spelling bee, I would lose if they gave me that stoopi' word. Thank GOD for the little red squiggly line that appears under all misspelled words and the auto correct option.

Anywhoodle, I have been going to the gym again, because I have developed this stoopi' layer of chub around the top of my hips..ya the delicious Muffin Top. WTF, I always had a little muffin top going, but I still looked rockin'. I assume it is because during the whole break I stayed in my apartment and watched all 8 seasons of Will & Grace... twice. Probably not the best decision made, especially in the Health department, BUT oh well. I suffer the consequences...not dancing around my apartment naked. I am determined to get back into shape and be able to dance naked again.


There are a couple things that just irritate me about going to the gym...Okay not about GOING to the gym, but what happens AT the gym. My biggest pet peeve at the gym is when I am on the treadmill or the elliptical or EVEN the bikes, and there is a person right next to me AND THEY STARE! Ya I see you! I can tell that you are looking at me. Why are you looking at me? Shouldn't you be paying attention to what YOU are doing and NOT what I am doing? I saw you trip TWICE on the treadmill because you were watching me.

Second pet peeve that goes along with the previous is when you are working out and the person that is watching you has to MATCH or BEAT you. It is like there is the unspoken competition between you and this person next to you...THAT ONLY THEY KNOW ABOUT. Every time I up my speed or my resistance, the person next to me just HAS to match my speed/resistance or just go .1 faster or higher than me. Like really? I am sorry person next to me, but I am not trying to race you to 4 miles on the treadmill or 400 calories on the elliptical. And I sure as shit am not working out with you, nor do I have the desire to give the impression to ANYONE that we are working out together. Gosh. I can understand if you are my workout buddy and I am trying to help push you to reach a goal, but neither of those are true. Keep you own eyes on your OWN machine, and just be like the rest of us...try to survive to the end of your workout.

I am not ashamed of what is on my machine, I am actually quite the opposite...But honestly, just be a normal person and workout and go home.

Wow, now that that is over, someone sitting next to me in the computer lab has extremely bad B.O. I know for a fact it isn't me...I have done the check 3 times. People, please take care of your offensive body odor. It is quite distracting when trying to express my feelings and NOT be a complete douche.


  1. Hahahaa
    I LOVE the picture.
    Maybe you need to be my workout buddy. I need to get rid of this big ass of mine PRONTO.

  2. Ha ha ha, Ya this I do these checks frequently...maybe I am the only one that smells the BO...maybe I have supersonic BO smelling powers or something.

    I need to get a big ass! These squats just aren't doing it.

    1. Hahaa, I have plenty for us both!
      Oh no, believe me I smell the nasty people, too. It's like "Come on, really?! You can't just take the brief moments in the morning to put on a little deodorant or spray some cologne (or both?)???"

      There's a girl at my work, she looks nice, but she smells awful. I never have the strength to say anything to her, because I don't want to be mean. Haha. But sometimes you just wanna smack people with the 'good hygiene' stick.


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