
Showing posts from 2009

English Period In The Canoe Room

Sitting in the Canoe Rooom at ISU waiting for lunch to get closer before I get food, a bunch of oddly entertaining people say next to me. First a lady wearing all plad, including a mid-calf plaid skirt, a plaid jacket, and plaid stockings. Makes me giggle. The other lady is wearing her watch over the sleeve of her sweater, which I don't fully understand. Is it really that hard to lift the sleeve back 2 inches, maybe, I don't know. The last lady, sounds like man, and the single man sounds as if he is a woman. Conversation number one, ASIANS. Nuf said. Conversation humber two, Breakfast. Man says, are we going to have breakfast brought in from a hotel? $300 for breakfast is not an issue. I think $4 for coffee is ridiculous. (Man grinding his teeth) Plaid lady, "The will like it, because it is their only choice." Lost interest in their conversation, Getting distracted by some people playing Rock Band. --Come one people, I could play this stuff on the Hard level. I could

Step By Step

2:17 AM- Chase Mickey down the street cursing and being sleeted on. 8:47 AM- A text from Mema waking me up...."Good morning! How was your evening? Did you know Amanda and Heff are coming today? Would you be able to come with them?" --I am freaking tired. Thoughts going throught my head--I am so tired! Why did I leave my phone on? 8:55 AM- Mema calls. --Act as if I have been awake for at least 2 hours. Clear the throat, try to speak in falsetto. Fall back asleep 9:43 AM- Decided to finally crawl out of bed and put some clothes on and pretend to be happy to be awake. Mozie on down the stairs and brush my teeth, put water in my hair to make it look as if I showered. 9:54 AM- Leave my house for work to put green tape on the laser tag walls. 11:22 AM- Amanda tells me that Tabatha is at work. Go to get my eyebrows waxed. 12:37 PM- Arrive at home and decide that I am really hungry. Thinking to myself--Do I want to eat pizza or enchiladas? Mid-Day Dilemma. 12:42 PM- Sit at home and r

Cool Cats Of The Sub.

I was just sitting in my toasty warm house when all the sudden..... BUZZZ BUZZZZ. Yes folks, my phone buzzed to let me know I had a text message. It was Cliff. Iwas tempted to just ignore it and continue working on my delightful farm. But being the amazing person that I am, I decided to stop and take the little time I had to read his message. What I recieved was this... It's The Picture Of The Day. Yes my dear readers, my picture was chosen over all the other millions of pictures. Ok well maybe not millions, but I like to think so. I am so amazing that my awesome picture was chosen. As exciting as this news is, I did not receive any prize for being an amazing photographer, or for my delicious artistic views, just a congrats. How pathetic is that!?! I was extremely disappointed, but then I realized, I don't need a prize to tell me I have a great taste in art. Bahhh! And I am now delighted to know that this picture has been the picture of the day for 2 days now. WTF!! It is not

Photo Friday October 9th

Unfortunately I did not take this picture, but I couldn't resist sharing this with everyone. I was surfing the lovely internet one day at lunch and found this beaut. Does this make anyone else uncomfortable? The guy in the front looks as if he is enjoying it a bit too much. It just makes me giggle. I hope it does the same for you.

Discouragement Is Discouraged.

Ahhh! School is taking over my life. Stressing too much about English, Math is not getting any better. Choir is hardcore and I need to find someone to work for me Friday night. Happy Birthday Kristen. I just need a big glass of wine to calm my racing head. I don't want to be an Audiologist anymore. I can't stay in school for another 8 years! When am I going to have time to date, start a family, do the things I want. I do want to be able to provide for a family, if I ever get the far. Jake you are being stupid. Just make an appointment with Dr. Flipsen and he will help you get through all this. No he wont. He specializes in Speech disorders in the heck is that going to help me with Audiology. I need an AUDIOLOGIST to be my advisor for cryin out loud! He knows what he is talking about. If he can't answer your questions, I am sure there are a few people in the same building that know the answers. E-mail him and make an appointment for Thursday. Ok I guess your

The Common Questions.

I am a very open perosn, I like to believe. If someone has a quesiton, I am always open for them to come and ask me. And being who I am, I will asnwer the question, HONESTLY. People deserve honesty if they have the courage to actaully ask a question. Why am I writing this? In hopes that people who are too afraid to ask me certain questions, that they will grow a pair and just ask me. I don't get offended over stuff. But if you are still too afraid to ask the questions, I would delight in answering them. 1) Are you Mormon? Yes I am. But I like to look at myself as a Christian. I dislike how people do not believe that I am a Christian. I believe there is a Christ. But people say Mormons are not Christian because we "worship" some guy named Joseph Smith. False accusation. We do not worship him. He is the first Prophet in our church and has brought to pass The Book of Mormon. Why people criticize us for having this book, I do not know why. Other religions have their own "

Belated Photo Friday September 18th

Dead avid readers, I apologize for missing last seeks Photo Friday. I was out of town on a camping trip to Camp Kumbayah for a choir retreat. Regardless of the absolutely ridiculous name of the camp, I had a funderful time. This is a lovely picture of a piano. It speaks to me without even vocalizing a syllable.

Photo Friday September 4th

Hello my avid blog followers. I know today is Sunday and I am posting a Photo FRIDAY blog. My excuse is as follows, I WAS WORKING ALL DAY. I hope that is a good enough excuse for everyone. Ok So, a few weeks ago my and some good friends, Caitlyn Robbins and Shail Carman decided to start a new project. It is called Photo ABC's. The way it works is for ever letter of the alphabet, we find an object that starts with that letter. For example, M is for Monkey Bars. Hence me hanging from the monkey bars...and No I was NOT monkeying around. I was tucking in my shirt andthe camera just happened to go off at the exact time. I Once I get all the letters done, I will add link to an album for everyone to see the finished project. Enjoy!

Photo Friday August 28th

This is definately one of my favorite pictures. I took this from my roof one day while contemplating life and what direction I am headed. It was amazing to me how just sitting up on the roof, can make you feel so secluded, even though I can see everything and everyone that come down my street. Well I am not going to go into the whole conversation I had with myself on the roof that lovely summer day, that shall be saved for a later date. Just looking at the picture helps me return to a place where it is peaceful and where I can be alone to ponder life and the many things that are in it.

Freshman Orientation.

This year I have decided that I want to be more involved in school and the activities going on at the university. So I found myself down in the Involvement Center at ISU. I didn't realize how serious I was about getting involved until I showed up there. I signed up and next think I knew I was in a training session for Freshman Orientation as a group leader. How the heck!?! I show up bright and early at ISU on the 21st of August and begin my life as a student leader. Can I just say that all the people I met there were freaking awesome. I really enjoyed they whole session. At first I was a little nervous because I didn't know what to expect and I knew absolutely NO ONE!! Not to worry, I just realized that I CAN make friends. ha ha Monday morning rapidly approached and it is now time for the freshmen to show up. Things were going pretty grand when all the sudden Shane and Chess say "Hey I need some volunteers to go and walk around the building to find all the lost freshmen.&q

Photo Friday August 21st

One day, Kayleigh my niece, came to me with my roll of Suran Wrap. So naturally I decided to push her over and wrap her upso she wasn't able to walk or basically move. It was the funniest thing in the world. As she was hopping around, I was thinking to myself, "It would be freaking hilarious if Kayleigh totally fell over." And not 20 seconds later I see this mass of pink fall face first onto the floor! I was laughing so hard that I might have peed a little bit. Enjoy I hope you may get the same pleasure from it as I did.

The Start Of Stress.

College. The one word that makes me think Stress, Confusion, Sleepless Nights, Panic, and the ever so popular Procrastination. I am so ready for the stress to start. I am one of those sick and twisted people that is really excited for school to start again! Even though I am taking an English class, the spawn of Satan, I want to get in the whole stress of getting all my work done. This semester is going to be great. Not to mention I will have a couple friends in my classes, which always makes the class go by much smoother. I have Cliff and Cam for Psychology, Cam for Music and Deaf Education, Mady for English and as for Math, I am not worried about that. I do much better when I don't have people there to distract me. So Bring it on College. I am so ready for you. It will be so nice to actually have something to do in the day time besides watch children and sit at home. Work only helps so much...there is a limited amount of unlearned childern I can handle every day. Don't get me

My Current Want

I just want to press fast forward on my life and get to the part where I get married and have babies. Plain and simple.

Photo Friday August 14th

THE ROPE GAME! The famous game using a lanyard or a piece of rope. All you need to do it Step 1: Hold the lanyard above your head with both hands. Step 2: Spin around in 10 circles while looking up at the lanyard. Step 3: After the last spin, drop the lanyard and jump over it. Pretty simple huh? Well give it a try, it really isn't that easy. It is a really fun game to play with a lot of people. Which reminds me a of a story. Backstage of How To Succeed In Busniess Without Really Trying. Becky Green + Rope Game = Head Into A Heater. Put the pieces together and you will discover that Becky Green tried the rope game and she got so dizzy that she fell head first into a heater on the back wall. It was a great show! :)

Work Out Challenge,,,Again.

Ring Ring goes the phone, "Jake there is this lady that is selling gym memberships for 3 months only for $20. We should do it. If you did it, I would be more likely to go to the gym. Think of it as you are my motivator." Well Yes I am suckered into getting a gym membership and I am going to try to loose weight once again. Hurray...hopefully it works. I started running again. I stopped because of the New York trip and Mema wouldn't let me go running in New York...I don't know why yet. Something about the big city and the possibility of getting mugged at any given point freaks her out. Now I am starting my running up again. I bike to work every day, not like that is huge or anything because work is 4 minutes away but still its the thought that counts right? I am Saving gas, helping the environment and giving my body the excerise it needs. Now every night I go running. Doens't matter where, I just go random places or when ever I feel like that night. But my runs usua

Photo Friday July 7th

This is the 'Before Picture' right before we went to dinner at a delicious Old Country Buffet. It was so freak good. And there was CORNBREAD! The most delicious food in the world!! Notice the happiness in my face and the Noticable Expression of Hunger on my face.... And this is the after picture...Who knew that it could be so delicious and yet so miserable at the same time. Regrets? NONE!

Custom Service On The East Coast.

The East coast is the worst for customer service. So you all know the story about the gal with the personality of a mushroom at the Microtel Inn in DC. Somehow that isn't the worst. We get into some little po-dunk village in New York and we pull up to a Burger King, at least it wasn't McDonalds. We get inside and the girl at the counter says to us, "You should get a salad because everything else here tastes gross this late and night." 1st off it is only 9 at night and I am pretty sure things taste good no matter the time, and 2nd Who the heck does she think she is!!!! Her excuse for saying that is "We are closing in a little bit." I walked up to her and said, "You sign says you are open until 10:30...we still have an hour and a half." Come on people, don't mess with me. We talked to her manager and she wasn't very thrilled with her and they will be getting a phone call from me....Free coupons!! Woot! After the nice service of the Burger Kin

Photo Friday July 31st

According to this picture, I am in a place that doesn't have a name or really even exist, on a map that is. I am standing in between the U.S. and Canada Boarders...So basically I am standing on the back line on the maps. I decided to claim that land in the name of Jacob. I now have my own country. Woot go me!!!

The Start Of An Adventure

July 25th, We left for Washington DC. Things were going great. We made it to Salt Lake Airport just fine, got on the flight perfectly. Then we got to the Denver Airport. Everything seemed to go to crap then. About an hour before we are suppose to board the plane the lady at the desk gets on the intercom and the following annoucement begins to prodrude from her mouth, "Attention passengers of flight 725 to Washington DC, Due to a lightening storm in DC, the plane has not yet left the airport. The flight has been delayed for 4 hours." Just peachy. We are stuck in an airport for another 4 hours. Once we finally get boarded on the plane, I get seated to the Asian guy with no personality. I decide to just sleep through the whole flight and not have to worry about being bored for the duration of our flying. Touch down in DC, and we cannot get off the plane because there is lighening outside and it is too dangerous for the groundcrews to get the luggage out of the plane....Even thou

Photo Friday July 24th

K so here is the story behind this one.... I was jsut getting home from hanging out with Camary and Clifford. I thought I would be nice and take care of the garbage for the night. We had gone out to dinner at Arby's and We usually leave the grabage in Cam's car, but I was being generous. My hands were full with the bag and the empty cups and my phone. Cam and Cliff left and I was heading inside, but before I went in I had to throw the trash in the garbage can. Not realizing that I acutally threw everything away, I went inside. Hours later I couldn't find my phone and I was worried. I looked everywhere possible and no phone. It hit me like a ton of bricks, I threw my phone away, Hence the picture of the inside of my garbage can. Long behold, I didn't acutally throw my phone away, I left it in Cam's car.

Love, Love, Love.

I did this a while ago, but the things I love has changed since like 2 years ago, so I am going to do it again. This Blog is about the things in life that I love. Most people make hate lists or things that bug them, this on is totally opposite. Everything in this post are things that I just love!!! Singing- = -Piano Music- = -My Family- = -Watches- = -Novels- = -Watermelon- = -Finding Pennies On The Ground- = -Sunsets- = -Late Night Chats- = -Traveling- = -RENT- = -Tie Dye- = -Completely Wasted People- = -Kisses From My Nieces and Nephew- = -Musicals- = -Black And White Photos- = -Clothes Shopping- = -Glasses- = -Grandpa Fries- = -Vinal Records- = -Drinking From Mason Jars- = -Eating Out With Friends- = -Ice Blocking- = -Old School Nintendo- = -Weekend At Krista's Cabin- = -Cello- = -Reggae Music- = -Underwear- = -Argile- = -Board Games- = -Angry Teen Music- = -Coffee Shops- = -Inside Jokes- = -Bike Rides- = -Over Dress- = -Hiking- = -Old Brick Buildings- = -Reading- = -Sunglasses-

Photo Friday July 17th

Two Words: Horse Face! This in probably the funnest thing to do when you are bored and you have a camera around. All you need to do is buzz your lips and while you are buzzing, take a picture! Ha ha it makes the best pictures and even better memories.

New Found Knowledge

Did you know that you can die by popping a zit on your nose? Yeah I didn't know that either. I was watching 1,000 ways to die and while we were watching, Nick, my brother-in-law, informed me that if I were to pop a zit on my nose my chances of dying increased like dramatically. There is a main vein that runs through your nose and if the bacteria from your zit gets in that vein, it will travel to your heart and kill you. The bacteria will begin to grow and seize your heart. How insane. So a little advide, if you have a hideous zit on your nose, just let it go down by its self. Don't pop it. Scary, I know. I use to pop my zits on my nose or get the blackheads off my nose, now I know not to do that. Just let all the face creams and acne wash get rid of it all. OVER AND OUT!!!

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince, Hmmm where to begin. How about with the fact that it was nothing like the book. Yes, and how about that the objects used in this movie are different from the objects used in the previous movies. For example, the Pensive. In the previous books it is described as "a stone basin." In this movie the "stone basin" is acutally a floating metal dish. Ok I guess only someone who is obsessed usually notices those kinds of things, but don't you ever wonder why the commonroom and Dumbledor's office always looks different in every movie. Why can't they just pick one style of office and keep it that way. It is too confusing for people to have to realize that all the settings have changed in appearance but are the same place. I just don't get it. Another thing, the producers really can lay off of the "Dramatic Music" First of all it isn't dramatic at all and second, it just makes the film seem even more cheese

Bottled Root Beer!

Yesterday, Cam, Cliff and I were all just chilling and we were heading up the the Pillars, when Cliff just had to stop to pee. We stop at Fred Meyer cause its just close. Thinking we were ready to leave, Cliff, again, needed something to drink. We scramble on over the the drinks and long behold, we discover the deliciousness of Root Beer In A GLASS BOTTLE! I freaking love it. I looks like a am getting wasted ha ha!! Not that I want that image, but it is funny! ha ha

Wireless Internet Rocks!

This whole summer I have been stressing about getting a laptop and then paying for my school books, which now the stress about the books has disappeaered thanks to my mother. I just decided to go ahead and purchase a laptop, and I have been super amazed about the whole thing. I got myself a Toshiba and I freaking love it!! It is so awesome. So I realized that I have wireless connection capability and I thought what the heck lets try to get on the internet using one of my neighbors many wireless routers. And believe it or not, I actually gained access!! Woot, so this blog is being written using a lovely new laptop and a wireless connection that doesn't belong to me! :) I love it! I just have to talk my parents into buying a wireless router....Because without one, a laptop is basically useless. I mean of course you can use it to write papers, but when its late and I can't sleep, what am I gonna do? Huh? Oh how about some Facebook or Myspace!! All I know is I love having my OWN la

Photo Friday

It is Friday, which means.... PHOTO FRIDAY!! This is a new weekly blog. Every Friday I will post a new blog with a random photo. Enjoy! One day Cam and I decided to go up to the Pillars on Red Hill. It is such an amazing view of Pocatello and suprisingly Pocatello is rather large. Any who Sit back and soak in the deliciousness of the Pillars :)

An Offer I Couldn't Refuse

So the other day my mom made me the best offer in the world! I am not even kidding, it is one of those offers that make you pee a little. Ok picture this... Scene: The livingroom I am laying on the loveseat just relaxing and bein a little lazy, but what's new. Mom walks in and sits down on the chair next to me and this is the following conversation we have. Mother: ok Jake I have an offer for you. Jake: Ok? Like what? Mother: It is an offer that will help the both of us. Jake: Ok what is it then? Mother: What is something I would use help with? Jake: I am guessing it has something to do with outside Mother: Yes It does. Jake: Is it the garden? Mother: Yes. And what do you need help with? Jake: YOUR PAYING MY COLLEGE TUITION!?! Mother: No. Jake: Ok Well what is it? Mother: If you weed the garden and maintain it for the rest of the summer, I will buy all your school books! Jake: What?! Are you serious?!! It is a deal!! End Scene. Yes, my mom said she would by my textbooks if

Happy 4th Y'all

For starters, Happy 4th Of July! What an eventful day. So many amazing things have happened. Amazing thing 1. This morning I woke up after sleeping in till 10:30, which bytheway is a freaking amazing task. I never sleep in. I forgot how heavenly wonderful it is. I get up check my facebook and myspace (it is a morning ritual for me. I am always hoping for someone to comment of something or just leave me a friendly "hello" message but it never happens.) and e-mail for my work schedual. Amazing thing 2. I finally work more than 3 days this next week. I wonder why I am so lucky. Amazing thing 3. I was picking up a shirt tag I dropped this morning and the tag slipped under my fingernail and slip it. Yeah I don't think that is really amazing, but it is eventul. It hurt so bad, I almost cried. So now I have this lovely white tape holding my fingernail on. OUCH!! Amazing thing 4. It is freaking the 4th of July!! What could be better?! Honestly... wait I know, It could STOP rainin

One Day In May

So Cam and I were going out to Walmart today and we happened to pass a very memoriable place. Ya know that awkward curb sticking out of nowhere by Downeast Outfitters and Great Clips, well let me go back a year... There we were looking for flip flops for me to take on my trip to Australia. We had already gone to Walmart, Shopko, and Shoe Carnival. We decided to go to Downeast Outfitters just to look, because they are sorta expensive. We already passed but Cam was willing to flip the car in reverse and back up. All the sudden a freakin huge truck came out of nowhere and suprised the panties off of both of us. Unfortunately, as we were rolling backwards to avoid a collision with the ever so big truck, the obnoxious curb just happened to run under Cam's tires...well back passenger tire. We both sit there in shock of what has happened and the only thing to exit Cam's mouth is... and I quote "SHIT!!! Shit shit!" Remember this is coming out of Camary, the good little girl.

Stream Of Though..A.D.D.

Today my mind has been moving like a billion miles per hour, well it would be if my mind could actually travel per mile. I've been jumping from thought to thought to thou... Focusing has gotten down to an miniscule action. I tried to pay attention to the speakers today at church but every time someone in the congregation moved, my mind shifted to them and why they were moving. Singing was almost impossible...someone was incredibly flat and WHY is she singing in a different language!!? My nap time came an extra 2 hours early, about the time that Payton Neilson's dad started to speak. Being around hundreds of people I know at the same time puts my brain into utter confusion. It is mass overload and I talk to one person and can't even focus on their face. Too much movement and exciting things happening...Gossip up the WAZOO!!! Thoughts coming in and out in a flash.... Oh my heck his voice is so annoying, I just want to staple his mouth shut. Like the boy in that book when he r

MJ, Can't Say I'll Miss You.

Michael Jackson died yesterday, June 25th, along with a hundred other people! What makes hims so special that the producers of MTV and VH1 stop all shows and do a tribute to Michael Jackson? Honestly what good for mankind did he do? He wrote music, danced and molested little boys...doesn't seem that special to me. I could see if reasonable to do a Tribute to Him if he did something life changing, like cure Cancer or the common cold or even fund a project to better mankind. Really, anyone can write music, heck I write music. I am pretty sure that when I die, CNN or NBC won't have a 2 day special on my life and the many things I did not accomplish. Maybe I should go get my nose replaced and turned into plastic and dye my skin a color it isn't suppose to be, maybe then will I get a 2 day special about my life. The thing that really blows my mind, do people really not know that celebrities die too? He had to die sooner or later. Sooner is better, now the world's little boys Here I Come.

I just came to the conclusion that I need a blogger account to write my nothingness down for all the world to read. Not to worry World, I will occasionally write something interesting down, but at the moment I have nothing that intersting to say. Well on second thought, I actually started an account but I forgot the password and I didn't really write anything so I said to myself in my head, "Jake, what is the point of even having a blogger account if you never write anything?" And how true was that. But now I committing myself to writing my whole life... well the exciting parts down. Ha ha Tis' enough for now!