
Showing posts from 2010

You Can Kiss Your Spatula Goodbye.

365 Days ago from 14 hours from now, I declared I would have the best year. I am about 83% successful, the other hand I had an epic fail 17% of the time. Where to begin? Let's just start at the beginning, makes sense right? Right. January, I created a list of 12 items that I was determined to work on. Why is this successful or even the least bit good? Well I accomplished 9 of the 12 things Hurray. Success. Feburary, Failing Grades, Laryngitis, and got my heart shoved into a blender, pushed puree and forced to drink it. March, Road Trip To California and back with the best person in the world, Natalie! Took upon my true identity and faced the world with the knowledge that I am Gay. April, Purchased plane ticket to Denver. Down 25 pounds and lean muscle. May, Semester is over! A's all around. Fancy Night with the family and it was a major success. Natalie still here!! Sunday Drives. Entered an art show. June, Saved a young girls life. The sun burn from hell, literally. Date nigh...

"That's Hott" - Paris Hilton

One more semester down, only 5,000 to go. Sometimes it feels like I will be in school for the rest of my life. Granted I do not have to go to school as long as any other doctor, but still, it feels like I will never be done. I can just feel all the financial weight weighing me down. It's just amazing how all that interest just build up. How fun. Grades still have yet to be posted... except for my sign class... of course A! Hurray, that is one class I will not hae to retake. Why am I in such a Hate-School mood? Let me draw you a I hate the word picture... I would prefer to use the world photo.. it just flows off the tongue better. Monday, beginning day of finals week, I look at my final schedule and see that I have my only 3 finals all on Wednesday. So Monday night I am getting together with some classmates from my Philosophy class. We get a bunch of studying done, very successful night. Tuesday, I only work for a little bit and then Jeffrey goes to work, meaning it is...

More Snow!! *While Shaking Fists*

What a week it has already turned out to be. Everytime I make a step towards productivity, I happen to draw the "Back 2 Spaces" card in this game of life. I seem to be doing more damage than I am good. How can something with good intensions turn out so bad? I hope this is not something I will be accustomed to. I am bad with words, let's just say that. I cannot get the correct words out to help define how I am feeling or what I truely want to say. I am stuck with the traditional 6th Grade-Male-From-Iowa vocabulary. I am always getting my words mixed up and they are always being taken wrong. How to fix this? I dunno. I thought I was pretty exposed to different ways of expressing myself in words, guess not. Sometimes I think Jeffrey gets super annoyed with me. I am OCD in so many ways...The dishes must be done before I go to bed...I have to sleep with a fitted sheet AND a regualr sheet...I am constantly sweeping the kitchen floor...if it gets too hot in the apartment, I cann...


It has been over 2 weeks and I have only mentioned... wait I have not even mentioned it yet... WE ARE ARE OFFICIALLY ENGAGED!!!! Hurray and all the twitterpatedness is at an all time high. Well I am guessing you wanna know that deets (For all of you that do not know the East Coast lingo... Deets=Details).OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! Okay for starters... WHAT THE HELL DOES THE RING LOOK LIKE?! Tungstun Baby! When did he propose? 3 Effing Weeks From This Coming Tuesday. And the ever so popular... How did he do it? Well here's the story... It is the week before Thanksgiving break and I am scheduled at work like crazy and school is taking me for a ride that cannot compare to any rollercoaster created. Jeffrey tells me he wants to make me a Birthday Dinner... this Monday, for it is the only day we will actually be able to eat dinner together. He makes me a delicious Baked Broccoli Pasta, and it was delicous. Then he tells me he made me dessert..and I had to close my eye...

New Adventures In The Safari Zone.

What a week this has been. Beginning with a terrible trip to SLC, breaking and emotionally. Then the week seemed to do a complete 360 and everything was better. Denver sure did me a lot of good. Getting away from Pocatello was probably one of the best things that has happened. I missed Jeffrey like none other. It didn't help that his phone charger was left in my car as it sits on the corner of Redwood and 900 North, Salt Lake City, Utah. The only means of communication was Facebook, and the two of us are never online at the same time. So we communicated via messages. Finally, the day before Thanksgiving, Jeffrey was visiting his mom and used her phone to call me. Thank God. I had been waiting for that call for the entire week. It was amazing to hear his voice again. Every day we went out shopping...and by us, I mean Natalie, Bean, Jordyn and I, of course becuase you all know who I was with. ha ha. We never went to the same mall twice. It was amazing. And I have found a n...

Cortizone Cream Will Heal That.

I love Denver. It is one of the friendliest cities I have ever been to. And not friendly like "Heeeeeeeeeeey!!" but friendly like "Go ahead, I'll hold the elevator door for you." I mean of course they are not friendly enough to pick up your camera for you when you drop it and it slids to their feet. They would just watch it happen and tell you that it happened. But it is the thought that counts. Most people in other cities wouldn't even do that. So kudos Denver, you have won my heart back. Downtown is one of my absolute favorite places in Denver. Seriously, the building are so freaking gorgeous and it is not like Pocatello, beautiful at a distance when you cannot see how dirty it actually is. It is clean and very as in look at those trees AND in the lets-ride-bikes-today way. Denver:123721871 Pocatello:3 You think I am lying... here is proof. You all owe me $10 for doubting me. Come on, pay up. You can make check out to Jacob Scott Diller. I al...

Miss Double D's Can't Stop Laughing.

Innocently Checking The Train Route.... STRIKE A POSE! VOUGE ON THE H-LINE

He Took The Midnight Train Goin' Anywhere.

Happy 21st Birthday to me! Hurray, I can now purchase alcohol. Although I really do not intend to make any purchases. Made it to Denver! And boy was it a disaster. Let me bring you up to date with everything that went down. -Saturday November 20th- Wake up finally get ready for the day, still not packed. Take Jeffrey to work becuase we plan on me just picking him up from work and then head out of town immediately. All plans go great. Jeffrey is off work, we are on the road within 10 minutes. We have a great ride to Utah. We talk about everything. Work. Our future family. Cars. Gossip a little. School. Music. Everything. We have tense moments, funny moments, sad moments, cute moments, we have moments. Hunger sneaks its way into Jeffrey. We decide to stop at Cracker Barrel in Layton, UT. Dinner was delicious. Now I cannot remember exactly what we were laughing at and all I DO remember is __________ Pastures... Not quite sure, maybe Jeffrey remembers, but it was hilarious. Birthday was go...


How lucky am I? I have everything in life I could imagine having at this time. I have a car to get me places I need to go. I have a roof over my head, although it may not be the best, it works. I have 16 years of schooling behind me and 21 years of gained knowledge. I have all the material posessions I could even think of owning. I have the greatest man in my life who cares for me more than anyone could possibly care. I have friends. Actual friends. I have a job that allows me to afford the things I need and want. I have family members that love me. I have more than I could ever want. Jeffrey has been so good to me. I dunno how he puts up with all my crazy OCDness. He never says a thing about me having to have the bed made before I get in it. He does the laundry all the time. I hate doing laundry and I am so glad he does it haha. He has even done the dishes when I cannot get around to them. I come home from work at night to find the house in order. It is the best feeling coming home an...

Interview recorded

Jeffrey thinks I'm fat. He's a keeper.

Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt.

Yes, there is a secret world in the clouds, just like in Mario. My head has been up in this beautiful city all weekend! Jeffrey and I have finally moved into our apartment :) It was so fraking adorable!! Yes that is fraking, not freaking. For all your IPA people it is with a æ . For non IPA people, the sound the A makes is the same sound as in Apple, or Lad. Life with Jeffrey has proven to be amazing. No fights about silly things, yet. Teehee. We made dinner together last night and it was super cute and fun. Corn bread, turkey, mashed potatoes, and veggies :) And it was super delicious! We even cracked open the Sparkling Cider. Hurray for New Beginnings. There will be photos of the new apartment, but you have to wait a few more days. Also we may be having a house warming party, just for kicks and giggles, and if we do, there are some pretty cool things at Bed, Bath And Beyond that we wouldn't mind having in our cute place. AKA A Tea Candle Holder...... Hint Hint To everyone.

No Smoking Within 20 Feet.

Baaaaah!! Friendship booms again :) Hurray I have not had friends that I hang out with frequently for the longest time, and it is so nice. Lakota Terrace has always been a friend, and by always of course I mean ever since I first met him two years ago. Just recently he and I have started hanging out and who would have known we make great friends. DUH! Yes yes, we have reached that point in the friendship where I try on all his clothes and let actually lets me wear them! Hurray, my wardrobe has increased again. Not to mention Lakota is one of the only people I know that I can actaully engage in conversation. Jen Ruiz. I dunno even where to begin. Jen. Ruiz. Simply amazing. I am super happy her and I are friends. It makes my day when I see her and get to hug her. She always compliments me and it is super sweet. Most common compliment, "You smell good." haha I love that compliment. But the most outrageous/cutest compliment yet, "You have a perdy mouth." and "Your ...

Light And Atomic Spectra.

entered a stupid stage of jealousy yesterday officially out of money in regards to the last blog i am not as selfish as it may apppear that was for kicks and giggles i dont expect people to get me anything i miss jeffrey now more than ever sometimes to the extent of nearing tears because i am so lame

Net Weight 5 Lbs.

Birthday Wish List For The Electronically Uneducated Person I realize that there are some people that do not understand how to access my blog archives so I will just post all my birthday wantings in one post. Just so everyone knows, my birthday is in 20...count them... 20 days. Yes November 20th. Please let people know what you are getting me so there will not be any duplicates :) 1. Post Secret Books--->Walden Books 2. AE Book Bag--->American Eagle (Brown Bag) 3. Air Popper for Popcorn--->Sears 4. Vest--->Sears (Boy Section) 5. Will & Grace Seasons 1-8---> 6. iPod Touch--->Any Department Store 7. White Robe, Short Cut--->JC Penny 8. Jay Brannan CD--->iTunes 9. Pea Coat---> American Eagle 10. Yellow Puffer Coat--->American Eagle 11. Slippers--->American Eagle 12. Black Wii--->Walmart 13. Hedbanz Board Game--->Toys R Us 14. 9 Box Shelf--->Big Lots 15. This Is Not A Book By Keri Smith--->Walden Books 16. Rice Cooker/ Veggie Steam...

The Prelinguistic Phase.

Never realized how often I spell words wrong. It is slightly ridiculous. I was reading previous blogs, just to see how lame I am, especially when the twitterpatedness kicks in, and sometimes it gets bad. Not to mention when excitment is present, spelling words wrong is almost inevitable. Today I have a, in the words of Winney the Pooh, grumbly in my tumbly. I am not really sure what it is, beginning signs of the stomache flu? Just gas? Guilty for something? Wait, I don't feel guilt. Maybe it was the noodles I ate before I went to bed at Lakota's apartment. What ever it is, I do not appreciate the way it is making me feel. I would like to file a complaint with the head of Human Wellness and Tummy Center. Yep, this class is going to be one of THOOOOSE classes. Child Development at 8:00 AM is suppose to start at 8:00 AM. It is now 8:06 AM and the class has yet to begin and it does not look like it will start any time soon. Technical difficulties I guess. I shouldn't complain, ...

Zone of Proximal Development.

We got an apartment :) Yay. Our lives together are moving forward. It is a cute 1 bedroom with a nice kitchen and a huge ass bathroom! Washer and dryer, internet and cable, and all utilities INCLUDED!! Hurray. It is weird to see the difference in excitment between Jeffrey and I. This is my first time moving out, well moving period, and his ...let's see...11th. I am terrified. I dunno what to expect. First, I am moving in with another person, not just moving out by myself. I am gonna have to adjust and I hope I can do that quickly. I am so worried about finances. Rent, food, insurance, cell phones, gas, school! There are so many things we are going to now be financially responsible for, and I hope we can get it all paid, ON TIME! No debt. Cannot get behind on anything. Jeffrey doesn't have a job. How on earth are we going to be able to get all these things paid for? I only have enough money to get out into the apartment and the next months rent. What if he cannot find a job? The...


feels insignificant.

100 Billion Million Tons Of TNT

The proverbial Bucket of Water has finally been tossed on the Gods of Stress and Anxiety. Life as I know it has now returned to normal.. or quazi-normal at least. All hormonal levels have returned to the normal state...well testosterone levels has decresed, hence being in love. Midterms are finally over, and I think I did relatively well. Child Development, eh, got another B on the exam. Astronomy, got a C, that's what I get for not studying. Philosophy, got a B+ on my paper, Hurray, but still have not gotten my grade back from the midterm. Tomorrow is our first concert for Concert Choir. Hurray I am super excited for it. I STILL cannot say some of the French words up to speed, but I am on my way.. I know I should be there by now being how our concert is TOMORROW! Yikes. Dr. A would kill me if he knew I was not 100% prepared. Jeffrey is coming down today!! I am so excited to see him! Hurray! I had to dreams this morning that he was already here. Gosh and it fooled me both times. I ...

Jumper Cables And Paper Clips.

This video has made my life complete.

Commando Is The Way To Go.

So tonight, I almost kissed my choir director. Roughly one inch away. Epic. ϟ◎ тøᾔїℊнṫ, ℑ αℓμ◎ṧṫ ḱḯṧ﹩εḓ м¥ ḉ♄◎ḯя ḓḯяℯ¢ṫ◎ґ▪ ℜ◎υ❡нℓƴ ◎ᾔℯ їηḉ♄ αẘαƴ▪ €ρїḉ▪ .cipE .yawa hcni eno ylhguoR .rotcerid riohc ym dessik tsomla I ,thginot oS حتى المساء, وأنا لي قبل قرابة جوقة المدير. بعيدا عن بوصة واحدة تقريبا. ملحمة. 这样今晚,我几乎亲吻我的合唱团主任。大约一英寸之外。伟大事迹。 So heute Abend habe ich fast meinen Chordirektor geküsst. Ungefähr ein Zoll weg. Epos. Si ce soir, j'ai embrassé presque mon directeur de choeur. A peu près un pouce loin. Epopée. Επομένως, απόψε, Ι σχεδόν kissed χορωδία μου διευθυντή. Περίπου το ένα εκατοστό μακριά. συγκλονιστικό. Так сегодня вечером, я почти поцеловал моего директора хора. Примерно на расстоянии в один дюйм. Эпопея. Entonces esta noche, yo casi besé a mi director del coro. Aproximadamente una pulgada lejos. Epopeya.

The Historic Shelton

I am so scared, I feel silly. Life is moving so fast that keeping up is not an option. How do I know everything will work out the way I want it to? I will never know until I try right? But what happens if things go sour and I cannot fix it? Then where will I be? Jacob!! Stop thinking, you are examining everything too much. There is no reason for you to be freaking out. Yes there is. You know how I am when it comes to change. I know you are not a huge fan of sudden change, but it will be good for you. Okay, I guess you are right. But when and how do I bring it up to mom and dad? You got me there buddy, I cannot tell you that. You just have to play it by ear I guess. What good are you if you cannot help me with the important things?! Hey now, don't get upset at me. If you would grow up and take responsibility, this wouldn't be so hard. Don't tell me what to do!! You are not even real. ... Hello?

"That is, as usual, just you"

i feel stagnant again. no progress happening in my life, with the exception of one field. school is starting to become a drag. i try to enjoy it and be positive about it, but when everyone around me hates it so much, i cannot help but start to believe that school is dumb. i should not be thinking that, i have 6 more years left, i have to stay focused. i had a talk with a friend the other day and he kept coming back to one specific topic. it bothered me muy because it seemed as if everything he had to say about the subject always trumped what i had to say. there was always something better on his end of the topic, which made mine end look piddily, although i think (thought) my end is something amazing. at that stage where i am annoyed with everyone again. people keep talking to me, but i can not bring myself to talking back. yes, i know you have problems in your life, but at the moment i really could care less. the problem of not having matching socks all day is no concern of mine. plea...

It's Not A Rock, It's A Sponge

Yet another fantastic weekend with Jeffrey. We have a good system going now. He comes down here every weekend following the 20th of each month and I go up to Coeur d'Alene roughly 10 days later. Hurray! We are proof the long distance CAN work, it may not be ideal, but it is surviving. My sister Natalie and I were talking about this all the other day and she said that there are some positives about a long distance relationship...the best reason she had was that it keeps the romance and fun live. And that is so freaking true. I know that we are going to still be full of romance and have a lot of fun even when he does live down here, but for other people I believe that statement to be true! So if you are in a long disance relationship, it is ok! The romance will be absolutely amazing! This was my turn to go see him, and and night before I left I could not sleep! Too much excitment going through my body and twitterpating bugs flowing through my veins. Okay now, bed by midnight...and by...

Wanna See Exponential Growth?

I was hoping it would never come to this... yes, to me writing a very upset blog about how dumb people are. Do people think I have not clue why they all the sudden start talking to me again? Have Americans really become so stupid that they think I will just assume they miss me and want to start talking? I hate to break it to everyone, but I KNOW WHY YOU ARE STARTING TO TALK TO ME!!! It all begins with the most generic hello possible. Common questions soon follow. "How are you?" "You still living in Poky?" "What you been up to?" "What's new in your life?" Yes, I do know what you are getting at. And I am going to let you feel like an ass when you all the sudden ask me the question you and your group of friends want to know and I tell you that I knew all along what you wanted and how I just wanted you to feel awkward for trying to dance around the subject in hopes I will bring it up. Once you finally ask me that oh-so-awkward question, I even kn...

This Is A Quiet Lab.

It's a brand new day, thank goodness. Yesterday was rough, but today has been so easy going that I think I might want to go purchase something really expensive. Woke up this morning having the biggest urge to get back into shape and get a rockin body for when I go up to CDA. Super diet and lots of excercise is going to be happening. I went running this morning, which I have not done in such a long time, and was it nice. Sheesh I forgot how great I feel after a run, no matter how long or short it is. Then I decided I would do some weights, Zac, Taylor and Margrette, are still hanging around, but this time I am absolutely determined to evict them. I have been riding my bike everywhere, and as a result, I have no ass :( It is getting sorta sad. I am losing the parts of my body that I wouldn't mind keeping and keeping the parts I wouldn't mind losing. I did a ass comparison with some friends and mine is less ass-y. It is all toned, which makes it hard to find pants I look good...

527 Miles, About 8 Hours 27 Mintes.

some people just do not get the hint. how many times to i have to put the word 'eh,' :( i guess, whatever, hmmmm, or blah in a conversation before they find out there just might be something wrong. okay i just i might be in the wrong for not just coming out and saying it, but should that be necessary? there are such things as context clues that people should be paying attention to. and i am sick of this gross 80+ degree weather in october. give me some damn 60s and 70s already. i hate carrying my outfit for the day in my backpack every single day. mother nature, take your damn one-a-day vitamin and get it under control. god, waiting roughly 10 days to see Jeffrey again sure takes it toll on me. i am such a lame ass. get a grip (but i have blisters all over my hands) and act like a real man, and stop acting like a girl man. sheess don't be so arnold. this isn't california.

Reflecting Reflections.

Walking around campus today and I saw the craziest shoes in the world. I dunno if you can even classify them as a shoe... Now no judging. I did chase this person across campus in order to get this photo, but I did it in a very sly way. I pretended to be in a hurry and acted as if I dropped my phone and as I went to "pick" it up, I aimed and got the shot. I had one chance to take the photo and SUCCESS. There is something wrong with being able to see your toes, but not being able to see the actual toe. I do not want to know how fat, skinny, long or short your toes are. The only time it is acceptable to show off the size of your toe is when you are wearing flip flops. And just so all you people that wear these ridiculous shoes, they add 10 pounds to your feet, yes they make them look fat.

Karma Must Have Taken A Midol.

1.Losing Weight. 2.Lunch With Good People. 3.Great Rehearsal. 4.Talked To Jeffrey. 5.Masters Degree? I Don't Think So. 6.Was Told I Am Absolutely Adorable And Hilarious. 7.Finished My Essay Without Stressing. 8.Information About A Coworker, Possible Promotion. 9.Got The Days Off For My Trip To Coeur d'Alene. 10.Biked 20 Miles. 11.Talked To Jeffrey Again. 12.Peanut Butter Cookies. 13.Music That Could Not Make Me Happier. 14.Talking To Jeffrey. 15.Going To Bed Early.

Baby There's A Shark In The Water.

I am the king of making new friends. My new absolutely bestie, Jennifer Ruiz! And it all started over a Facebook friendship request. Now Jennifer and I have had lunch together before, but we never really talked or super acknowledged each other. I just assumed she was not one of those people that my Tractor Beam of Friendship worked on. FALSE! Huzzah for friendship. And the best part of this, is she blogs as well! Hurray! And it is INTERESTING. That hardly ever happens. Most blogs I read are super lame and talk about nothing in peoples lives. There are a few acceptions, yes FEW. Ps, just watched a man try to walk across the grass by the Rendezvous Buidling without stepping in the huge lake of fish water. Pretty hilarious, especially when his first step was right in the water and now he has soggy socks :) I have a recent love for V V Brown's know the lady that sings Shark In The Water. Not gonna lie, her music is super happy and I listen to her song Crazy Amazing, every m...

Mmm Ginger Beer.

[listening to V.V. Brown's awesome song Crazy Amazing] "I am passing Blackfoot" "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! YAY!!!" Yes, another absolutely perfect weekend...well as perfect as a weekend full of your parents meeting your boyfriend can get. Where to begin?! Let's start with Jeffrey came to work :) Yay, that was so great to be skating around, drilling little kids with play balls, then looking up and seeing the one person I truely love standing right there. One of the best feelings. My body fills with the most ridiculous amount of twitterpated-elementary-school-girl. The next thing I know my face makes contact with the skating floor, right in front of Jeffrey. Nah, just kidding, it wouldn't surprise me if that actually happened. All went well, I did not make a huge fool of myself, I stayed on both feet the whole time he was there, and I closed Deleta with only making once mistake, very minor mistake. Now the excitment begins. After I clock out and lock up, I ...

Corpus Callosum Much?

Has school even started? This semester is one of the weirdest semesters yet. I have not had the ungodly need to actually study or to even realy focus on any of my classes (Writing this while sitting in Child Development, PSYC 2225). It is oddly refreshing. Normally I would be in the SUB for 2-3 hours doing some hardcore homework and yet I find myself wasting away my FREE time on facebook or enjoying the delicious water of the hot tub. Just last night I decided I would go get me of those most excellent Camp Fire Blasts from Sonic, then chillax in my hot tub. God I have the life at the moment. Asside from school, everything is going well. Work has been very good to me lately. I have been told that I deserve second choice on the work schedule and I will recieve a copy of the work schedule before it is offically sent out, in case I need to add myself to it and get more hours. Wow how lucky am I? Jeffrey is coming to visit me this weekend. Hurray!!! WE have devided to go clubbing this frida...

Why Don't These Lamps Work?

Art Night. Every two weeks a couple friends and I get together and we have a night filled with Art, laughter and ocassionally fruit smoothies. This is the product of the last Art Night. We decided that we would create something for someone close to us. When we were finished we would send it to them, just to give them a little pick me up haha. It was fun and mine happened to go up north... :D Some people think I am full of gross cuteness, but just wait, this is only the beginning!

Meet Mr. Popular

I discovered one of the fabulous things about technology this morning. I was messing around on Blogger, being lame and clicking on everything just to see where it would take me, and I ran into a link called "Stats." I am happy to report that I am reaching people in Canada, Denmark, China, United Kingdom, Israel, France, Ireland, India, Kenya, Sweden, Thailand and of course the United States! Hurray my little life is going global...well sorta! The best part is that the numbers are constant so I do have followers that do not want me know they are following me! Sheesh, you people do no know the joy this brings me. Lame? I think not, Exciting. Thank you my dear readers, you are the reason I do not feel like I am wasting my time writing about nonsense :)

I Wanna Be A Housewife.

Work gets you down...It's okay, you can quit, I'll work. You cannot make rent...It's okay, I can pay this month. Your feet hurt after work...It's okay, I'll rub them. You don't like school...It's okay, I'll support us. You don't know how to cook...It's okay, I'll cook for you. You get knots in your back...It's okay, I'll work them out. You don't have clean clothes...It's okay, I'll do the laundry. When things don't do right for you...It's okay, I'll find a way to fix it.


Best mini vaca I have ever taken!! Friday at 2:00, leave Pocatello for Coeur d'Alene. I was doing fine until I got past Idaho Falls, then the excitment I had been holding in for the previous week exploded out of me in the form of the most epic car dance party and 7 minutes of pure girlish screams and giggling. Somewhere around 2 hours into the drive, I couldn't take it any longer. The pants had to come off. I hate driving long distances and being confinded within a pair of pants. Those jeans do nothing but hug my thighs and has the ability to develop a slight case of swass. Thank goodness for Gate City Christmas Season where I learned to get into and OUT of a tux while driving. And the clothes came off. The rest of the ride was wonderful. Especially when people in trucks would pass me, well get next to me, and stare. Gotta love all the horny pervs, they are people to...with feelings. Along the way, I came across one of the best cities, Missoula! What a great place. I couldn...

Your Guild Tactics Do Not Work On Me.

Dear everyone, my life is awesome. today, in about 15 minutes, i am going to be leaving for the lovely labor day weekend to go see JEFFREY!!!! oh my god and i so freaking excited. not excited for the 8 hour drive that comes before see my delicious boyfriend, but for the simple fact that i get to be with him for the weekend. yes, i know this is a very short upchuck from my mind, but trust me, there is much more to come next tuesday :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Sincerely, JACOB.

Items 11-15

Dear readers and future birthday gift givers, I apologize, I am 9 days past due for a new list of the next 5 items. Mind you that school has started and I am fantastically busy. 11. Amazingly soft slip on slippers. 12. Chaise Lounge Sofa 13. Black and Decker Rice Steamer...Available at Sears 14. Square Bookshelves 15. This Is Not A Book by Keri Smith Once again, I apologize for not having this up on time...wait no I am not sorry. Life happens. Just for your information, I have already purchase a couple of Fedoras...but you are still more than welcome to get me on. I have a black/blue one and a black/white one. I also look good in greens, reds and browns. Now I need to get back to my delicious Chicken Caesar Salad I just made.

Aries And Scorpio.

Good morning!! Yes it is a good morning! I just finished my morning workout. With my crazy schedule I cannot workout everyday like I did for the summer but I have devised a plan that will still allow me to do that. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I do not have class until 11 so I will be waking up at 6:45 AM to workout and on Tuesday and Thursday I have class at 8:00 AM so I will get to do my workouts in the evening! Yay! Today is going to be a good day. I am blogging from the bathroom! Hurray for doodie blogging :) I would add a photo but I assume no one would want a photo of me chilling out on the toilet! I never realized how amazingly peaceful the bathroom is. No one will bother me in here and the second the door shuts the outside world vanishes. Did the choir Audition (AKA make a fool of myself just to make Dr. A laugh) and it went surprisingly well. I did not change keys on America The Beautiful, my sight reading has improved dramatically, and rhythm...haha that is another story....

Make Any New Friends?

Day one of school...done. I feel so unprepared for this semester. If getting the rest of my books the day before classes start is not a sign that I am not ready, I don't know what is. It is going to be a good year, I keep telling myself. Isn't it, if I tell myself that I am going to do great..I will. The Little Engine That Could is my rolemodel right now...I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. Professor Wong, Child Development, is an interesting character. First thought of the morning, "I wonder how on earth I am going to be able to understand a foreign professor at 8 in the morning?!" I enter the lecture hall to the soothing sounds of Chinese Tranquility. My professor must become one with herself before the class begins. What a great way to put the class to sleep before lecture even starts. To my surprise Prof. Wong can speak English very well, better than most of the people born and raised here. Class proves to be somewhat interesting. I think I can, I think ...

Dude, Chill Out.

Sheesh, when one aspect of life is amazing, another is dwindling. Tidbits from a letter I wrote to a (dunno if we still are) friend. "You said that you feel like you lost me forever. You sorta did and it is not just because of fate. If you really wanted to keep me around you would have." "I think I was and am too intense for you." "I am not the same old Jake from high school like you said, and I dont ever want to be there again. I always made good friendships, but they never last because of the Back Burner Effect. It happened with you. You moved out and I immediately was taken off the stove, no back burner." "[...] I did my part, got you out of your shell, you started making more friends and you no longer needed me." Am I being too dramatic? Too harsh at times? Is it a bad thing to get what I feel out? I mean in the last letter I wrote to someone, things couldn't have turned out's all because I said what I was feeling. WANTED...

Do You Have A Point?

super twitterpated. daffodils and daisies. slightly annoyed with a few people. zack, taylor and margret have met their match. spring 2012, california and tucson. i wanna be a housewife, what's so wrong with that? hands, natural body fragance, fohawk, techno, architecture. :)


Remember that time I wrote a letter to my special someone and was sorta afraid? I vaugely remember it, but I just got the results. Yes that is right!? Don't we make the cutest couple? There really is not a lot to say about it but I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY! Yes we are facebook official, Now that is SERIOUS CHIZZ! If you wanna know more and details, you are more than welcome to take me out to lunch :)

The Truth Shall Be Known

Regrets. We all have them whether or not we want to. Why do we regret things? I know why I regret the things that I do regret. 1. It was stupid and I would have never done it if my friends weren't around. 2. It seemed like a good thing last night at 3 in the morning. 3. You pissed me off. 4. I obviously was not thinking rationally. 5. I am afriad. Today I told the one person that I care for more than anyone the way I feel. Here are a couple excerpts from the letter and I will let you decide if I should regret the things I said. "...I have never been so happy to talk to someone and when I am talking to you I don't want it to stop. You can probably tell that I try desperately to keep the conversation going..." "...I look at you and see nothing less than acceptance..." "...I know you are probably joking when we talk about planning our marriage or me moving to Tucson with you...there is a part of me that can see those things actually happening..." ...

Clapping With Phones In Hands.. Doesn't Work.

10 days has past!! Tis now time for another segment of GET JAKE SOME SHIT! 6. Will & Grace Seasons 1-8 ( Ps. there is a box set at Walmart.) 7. iPod Touch 8. White Bath Robe 9. Hot Hats...Fedora 10. Jay Brannan CD As always thanks for reading and I also accept cash, cards and checks.

Haha Youre Cute.

BEFORE AFTER Yep everyone, I did it. I chopped off all my hair! What a freaky thing. I never though I would ever part from the lucious curls and bangin volume. I am in love with my hair. I forgot what it felt like to have hair that would stay in place while riding my bike, or while running. It definately makes things a lot cooler as well. The weirdest thing is, everyone tells me I look like my brother. WHAT?! I have never looked like anyone in my family and now that I cut my hair, I look just like Tyler. How weird is that? I don't like it. Althouh, I have been called Studly :)

Happy Birthday...In 83 Days!

As promised in the previous blog, a BIRTHDAY WISH LIST!! Yay! Now there is no way to put all the things I want/need in a single blog. So I am going list 5 things every 10 days. 1. All the Post Secret Books 2. AE Book Bag 3. Air Popper 4. Bicycle 5. THis Vest With White Shirt Tune In 10 Days From Now, For Another 10 Items.

Shack Days

How do you wake up Lady Gaga? Poker Face!! Haha, my little cousin told me that the last time I was in Kansas and I laughed so freaking hard. I cannot believe I did not hear that joke until I was in Kansas...but at least the pleasure of a Lady Gaga joke was brought to my attention. You may be wondering...Gee Jake, you just wrote a blog. What is the reason for you to grace us with you words for the second time in the SAME WEEK!?!...Well I should have actually blogged about this a week ago, but I have been so busy that I didn't have time. Fo' Shame! Well I purchased my plane ticket to go to FREAKING DENVER!!!! OH MY HOLY BUDDAH I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED! WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW AWESOME THIS TRIP IS GOING TO BE. I AM GOING TO BE WITH THE COOLEST PERSON IN THE WORLD AND FOR THE BEST PART IT IS FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! GAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! That is just a little light on how happy I am to be going to Denver. Natalie invited me...ok well I actually sorta invited myself to come to her house f...

Napping Really Helps.

Some people want to live on beaches in the Caribbean. This is where I say I've had enough, no one should feel the way I do. You went into the kitchen cupboards. Let's rock! I don't wanna be the girl that laughes the loudest. I always admitted pity cause I was getting lonely. When your in my arms, darling, when your in my arms I gotta feeling. All you want from me is three little words. I don't want to have sex with you. You hesitate because you have never been married. Look inside, look inside your tiny mind and look a bit harder, cause we're so inspired, so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor. I've had a little bit too much. Fenk shui!! Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air. I've got your run-away smile in the piggy bank baby, gonna cash it in for a new mercedes. Watching me like you never watch no one, don't tell me that you didn't try and check out my bum, cause I know that you did, cause your friend told me that you liked ...

Soundtrack Of My Summer

Top 25 Songs On My iTunes... 25. All The Night- Suburban Legends 24. Kiss me Deadly- Reel Big Fish 23. Walk Away- Streetlight Manifesto 22. The Moldau- Bedrich Smetana 21. Walking On Sunshine- Me First And The Gimme Gimmes 20. Halo- Beyonce 19. Imagine- Glee Cast 18. To The Stars- Takenobu 17. Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Michael Buble 16. The Impression I Get- The Mighty Might Bosstones 15. Nocturne in E Flat Major- Frederic Chopin 14. Liebst Du Um Schoenheit- Clara Schumann 13. Last Lullaby- Jon Schmidt 12. Alternative Girl- RBF 11. Blame It On The Girls- Mika 10. One Year, Six Months- Yellowcard 9. Sell Out- RBF 8. I Like You So Much Better When Your Naked- Ida Maria 7. Knock Em Out- Lily Allen 6. Bad Romance- Lady Gaga 5. Two Ladies- Alan Cumming 4. We Are Golden- Mika 3. Sex Changes- Dresden Dolls 2. Gotta Boyfriend- Frankmusik 1. California Girls- Katy Perry

Summer Of Suck.

this summer has been nothing but suckage. it is a black hole stealing all the interest i might have in anyone or anything. today was a waste of my time. where is the magic marker to draw in something interesting or worth while? i have been a workaholic lately. work from 8 in the morning to roughly 11 at night ever day, 6 days a week. don't get me wrong the cash is wonderful, but the constant tiredness and loneliness is certainly a drawback. i dunno really how all these jobs came my way. working at nop and ok ward park, i was basically given the job without even meeting my bosses. a and b reality, friends mom graciously asked me if i was interested in working..hell yes! lawns? just by pure luck did i manage to land those jobs. working for a and b reality is a really great thing for me. i basically get to make my own schedule, just gotta get it all done before a certain time. the sooner the better. i get to do all the fun and dirty work of cleaning and repairing a rental. it is so gr...