
Showing posts from 2011

J'entends le Moulin.

Aaaaand Christmas is over. Not that I am actually excited about it being over, but I think it is time to move on with the rest of the year. Why so Not Christmasy? Well, lately Christmas has just been a big reminder that I am the different one in the family. We all get together for Christmas and when we are doing presents it is just so obvious that I am "different." Mom: Okay, Jeff, Tyler, and Nick outside to the garage. *They get up and go outside with Dad, and eyes shift to me* I am not sitting in the livingroom with all the girls, just the girls. *Enter the boys* Tyler: Dude, Dad got us all extension ladders!! Dad: And for my boys, here is some smoked goose jerky. *Hands Jeff and Tyler goose jerky* And it's not that I have use for an extension ladder, I mean I live in an apartment that all the maintenance is taken care of, but it would be nice to be recognized still as a son. Even though I know important skin care, how to apply makeup, fashion, and the latest in celebri

When I Saw Your Smile :)

Sometimes I look at myself and think "Is there any way I could be any more messed up?" And then I look at the other gays here in town, and I realize how normal I am. And what a blessing it is to know that I am not nearly as crazy or as big of a mess as half of the community. I may have mommy issues every now and again, but nothing like I have been seeing all over facebook lately. Exhibit A: MOM-You've been invited here but...can't make you do anything you don't want to do. SON-I dont want to go after reading urs and kevens convo on chat. MOM-Okay. Fine. It's just fine. But I'll just say this. You need to get over yourself. Uninvite yourself it you want to, and be alone for Christmas. Just whatever! Truth hurts, doesn't it. Well truth doesn't hurt NEAR what lies hurt. SON-Ya. It hurts. I can play this stupid game mom. MOM-I don't play games. Goodnight, ________. It's bedtime for me. SON-Me too. I HAVE TO WORK IN THE MORNING. MOM-Go

That's A Fun Story.

Gosh I am just so adorable! Finals are OVER!!! Woot! passed 4 classes with A's and definitely got a B in Language Development. Ugh. BUT I got that last word with Diane. Ha!! Call me a little dramatic, but during the final, I ended up walking out because it was just SO ridiculous. I didn't finish the test, left the last two pages blank and gave her a piece of my mind. Of course she had an in class final (after testing us online for the whole semester) and it was paper and pencil. Awful. In the last section of the test.... Diane, I just wanted to thank you for giving us a piece of shit "study guide," if you can call it that. Not only was it a worthless outline of the class, but it send myself and several other students into a downward spiral. It would have been nice to have some direction, and hopefully, if you continue teach at Idaho State, you will learn to develop a true study guide to aid students in finding their way through the material. Not only was I and my fell

You've Got These Little Things.

There are so many times in my day that I feel like I would fit right in with these people :)

Ewk, I'm So Dizzy Now!

NOW that the negativity is out of my system.... THE SEMESTER IS ALMOST OVER!!! Huzzah and break will begin and I will get to celebrate the holidays :) I cannot wait. My lovely home is decorated. Put up the tree, garland and delicious candles! Tonight is just gonna be a night all about me and relaxation. Got my a bottle of my favorite drink, Mariah Carey's Christmas album, the Christmas tree is lit, got the comfy red plaid pjs on, and have a blanket to cuddle up in and drift happily into sleep. I am just waiting for the snow to come, and then it will finally feel like Christmas. But for now, my tree and festive red sweaters will have to do.

The Further From My Level.

Getting ready for this semester to be over. . . Let me rephrase that, I'm ready for this semester to be over. I dunno if I can say that enough. Although I want the semester to be over, I don't want my need to go to campus to be over. That is the only interaction with people that I get, other than Deleta and children. Ya I know, I am getting lonely again. It's terrible because I realize that I am lonely, but I can't do much about it at the moment. It always happens around finals week, which is terrible because I WANT social interaction, but I NEED to stay in and study. As of late, I just want to have someone here with me. I am done wanting a boyfriend, or semi-romantic partner, I just want a friend. A friend to sit with and just talk about everything. This time a genuine friend. The recent friends I have been making seem to only want one thing. . . We hang out once and they automatically think that I wanna make out with them. No. I actually don't. I would like to, yo

Has Not Been A Link Found.

I still have to register for 5 more credits for next semester... Motivation Level : _______

Boring Toast, Getting A Make Over.

I knew people were mean but I didn't realize how mean people can be. Last night I was just walking to Charley's to celebrate a friends birthday and do some dancing, nothing out of the ordinary. I am just about there, and I get water ballooned, and called a fag. I know there are some people out there that are completely ignorant, and normally it doesn't bother me. I've heard the words, I've seen the looks, I get it. But what makes people wanna do stuff like that? Are people really THAT threatened by Gays, that they have to do stupid little antics to make them feel better about themselves? What will the accomplish by throwing water balloons at people? The words I can handle, but when it comes to someone taking action and being so cruel, I have a hard time not taking it personal. It is amazing how one person has the ability to undo all the support and comfort that so many people help build. So much for feeling confident and accepted. (Yes, that's a little dramatic

Heroes Leap Into The Jungle.

BREAK!! Never have I needed a break from school like this Thanksgiving Break. I know I say this every semester, but this has been one of the hardest semesters yet. It seems as if it get harder and harder every semester. You'd think I would get used to the work load, but some days I cannot handle it. On a better note, my birthday was amazing. I am so glad to have to friends that I do. It was a lovely evening out dancing and celebrating. It was nearly everything I wanted. I would have loved to have a few certain people there, but there were several reasons why they didn't attend. Different states, Underage, sickness, and of course work. Nonetheless, I had such a wonderful birthday. I haven't felt as loved as I was for a really long time. Thank you Desiree, Jodi, Katy, Robyn, Johnathon, Brad, Jennifer, Damian, Jeremy, Tiffany, Justin, Kevin, Mary, Denise, Vianca, Joey, Casey, Jay, Joel, and Joy. It is now time for the laziest, yet more productive break ever.

It Would Be A Good Elective.

Regarding last post: That little poem was from my special friend, Marshall. I didn't realize how much he has taught me and how much I already miss him. I thought I was ready to be finished teaching him, but that little guy is so awesome. This last Tuesday was the very last time I taught Marshall. I have never seen a little child so excited to see me, even out of my own nieces and nephews. The very second it was 1:00, Marshall is at my classroom door waiting to come in and learn. He has the cutest smile and the cheeriest disposition. Since Tuesday was out last day together, we decided that we would have a fun day. We did all of his favorite activities. He would read to me, and I would read to him. Sang a couple of songs, and played twister...Marshall's favorite game. His favorite..."head on stop sign, now fall!!" When our time was up, he was getting ready to go back to class and handed me the simplest, and most meaningful card. "Give Me Time" a little prayer

It's So Hard To Prioritize.

Give Me Time Time for patience for understanding, too Time to remember thoughtful deeds to do Time to believe in all fellow men Time to perceive the value of a friend Thank you for reading books with me, Playing games with me, helping me make a video, playing twister, and being so fun. Your special friend, Marshall Hill

Herpes And Hotdogs!

Huzzah! Once again using the internet...FO' FREE! I Love it when I can hack into someone's internet...dishonest..maybe a little, but they should really make up a more difficult password than 12345 I mean seriously...anyone that makes that their password deserves to get hacked. On that note, I just realized how much I love having a clean apartment :D It makes me feel so good. Something about knowing that everything is in it's place and clean make makes me smile. Although now that my apartment is spotless, I have nothing to do. This is my last week teaching Marshall which I am indifferent about. I did enjoy the time I had with him, but at the same time, I do not have enough patience to continue. It was a great learning experience, but I am ready to have my Tuesdays and Thursdays back.

Starbucks Mocha Frap.

Let's get real, I am really excited for my birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year I have decided to treat myself to an actual birthday. Last year was absolutely amazing, and I couldn't have possibly spent it any better way. But this year I am going to give myself an actual birthday. Good thing that this year it falls on a Sunday so I can wake up, make myself a birthday breakfast, and spend the whole day pampering myself :) I have already bought myself the best birthday presents, just gotta wrap them now. It is going to be my birthday, and only MY birthday. I am not sharing with anyone this year...not my dad...not my niece...not my other niece...not any other birthday. Selfish, yes. But I think it is time to have a birthday to myself. Thanksgiving is always a good holiday. I am thinking of actually making something. Ha ha. Christmas. I am just excited for everyone to be nice. Everyone is just nicer once Halloween is over. People start having hearts again. (I

Roman Demigod? Cute?

Nuff Said.

Ruining A Balloon.

Doing much better today, thanks for asking :) Last time I was having an evening that was not as delightful as I would have hoped. All is well, now. I am over the whole idea of "Pairing Up" for the winter. Although it would be nice to have another warm body to snuggle up next to on the cold evenings. I have found that laying along side a pillow is...almost...just as good. Except I have no choice BUT to be the big spoon, and we all know how much I HATE being the big spoon...well, I actually hate spooning all together Ha ha I would rather snuggle up to my guy and lay my head on his chest while his arms wraps around my shoulders. Simple, yet comfy. Wait, that is now what this post is about. Back on track, although there really is no specific topic today. I am not turning into one of those I'm-lonely-bitch-whine-bitch-whine-let's-only-talk-about-my-problems-bitch-whine-bitch-moan-life-is-so-hard-sob-sob-whine people. Life is too wonderful to be complaining all the time. So

Will You Be My Date?

Preface: This blog may contain stupid feelings. I wish I had an Almanac for my life. A book I could go through, find the day, and see what kind of a day I should expect. If I need to prepare for a day of disappointment, extreme excitement, anger and frustration, or sadness. Well today was kind of a mixture of everything, only the super excitement didn't peak. Woke up late, but still had time to do the dishes, fold some laundry, clean out my fridge, make lunch, do some more dishes, and get completely ready for the day. Left for school, but left my dinner at home on the counter. Oh, and find out that my bike tire is flat again. Grab my car keys and drive to school...luckily I found a parking spot. A good friend from Idaho Falls texted me right before I walked into choir, and he wanted to hang out for the 2 hours he was in town.. but I had to go to choir. Sad because I really wanted to hang out with him and catch up. Choir was okay. Sang my heart out...but struggled like none other. S

Just Sit With Me.

First thing is first... what the heck is with the photo of Natalie? Well I have a new obession, and I wanted to Pin a photo of Natalie so her friend Tessa could repin it on her "Things I Miss" board... and you cannot Pin photos of people from facebook or even google image search, so I thought of the next best thing...Pin the photo from my blog. Explanation complete. Secondly, my laptop battery is officially on the rocks. I am afraid I am going to have to keep my laptop on Life Support. Thirdly, I am grateful to be in the family I was born in. Lately I have been following a particular person on facebook...mainly because I was on this individuals page one day and I saw a few comments that this individuals mother wrote and it really got me to thinking. I have never been in the kind of situation with my mother that this person is. Yes, at times I get super frustrated and upset with my mom, but she definitely feels the same way about me, but everything she says to m

I Can't Feel My Young.

There are some things that just turn me on. Not the way tank top, 5 o'clock shadow, and handstands do, but in a completely explainable way. I dunno what it is about these certain. . . things? Appearances? Concepts? Whatever they are, they do something to me. Turn On #1 - - This Particular Bar Of Music. It is not that the rhythms, notes, or key does anything to me, it is the way that the riv--er is written and the way gath--ther is crossed out. Turn On #2 - - Shoes Worn Without Socks. Just the concept of wearing shoes without socks just. . . turns my crank. Being able to see the muscles on the top of the foot drives my mind crazy. I love it. I think it is so sexy :D Turn On #3- - Big Hair. Big, tall, dark, hair does it all. I love blond hair, but when it comes to dark brown hair that can't be tamed and is out of control I see it, and instantly fall in love with it. I stare, wish for it. No hair style can compare to it. The more hair, the better :)

...(900 Miles Away)

This is epic. This makes me love Lady Gaga even more. Every credible musician should sing this song, at least once in their lifetime. And she puts a lovely little spin on it. Her voice is definitely fit for this type of singing.

Clear Speech vs. Conversational Speech.

Let's talk about the weekend. Friday: Just a simple day of work. A lot of laughter, smiles and delicious food. Saturday: Wake up, have a major clean attack. Spend the rest of my day at work. 10:30 AM-11:30 PM. Nice. Go out dancing with a new friend! What a lovely night. Sunday: Work at American Eagle from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM, eh. Made the mistake of laying down on "The Life Sucking Couch" and passed out for 5 hours. Great, totally threw off my sleep schedule. Well wake up, decide to bake some cookies, just for fun. Then John says, "Hey come see me at work." Okay, I have nothing to do. Jump in my car and drive clear to Chubbuck to get some Xing Tea. Say hi to John and on my way home, I think, "Hey, I am already clear out here, Imma check out the ice hockey registration schedule." So I keep driving towards Fort the ice hockey rinks...on the edge of Chubbuck. I grab my bag with my laptop in it so I can steal some WiFi. I walk up to the door, ch

This Is A Private Rehearsal.

Ne xt week is already midterms. Where has this semester gone? 3 more days and it is October. Where has this year gone? Down 8 pounds. Where has the double chin gone? Everything day seems to be flying by and I hardly get anything done. It seems as if I have fallen back into the patters of school finally. 7:07 AM- Wake Up, drink protein, stretch, underwear-basketball shorts-under armor-shirt- socks-shoes-water bottle-bangle id-keys-ipod. 7:40 AM- Leave for gym 8:00 AM Work out with Brenda, gossip, sweat-my-ass-off. 9:00 AM Stumble home from the gym, shower, make lunch, underwear-jeans-tank-shirt-TOMS-book bag-bike-sunglasses-keys-protein shake, off to class. 1 0:00 AM Struggle to pay attention, online shopping, FB, eat lunch in class, struggle to focus, FB, email, FB,, FB, FB, FB, Sing. 2:30 PM Work (or give the appearance of working) 10:00 PM Mosie on home, tea-book-Jay Brannan- nightly text buddies till fall asleep. Very structured schedule I

Theory And Research.

Image facebook is driving me crazy. it has gotten so bad that i now have to blog about it. what the hell is going on? they keep changing the layout and this time they actually messed up. i can usually get the hang of all the changes really quick, but this time i am so screwed up. don't have facebook? don't know what i am talking about? well with my new best friend, the snipping tool, i will show you. i don't get what the heck they think they are doing with the whole newfeed on the side of the page. it is rather annoying. especially when i am sitting in class and trying to pay attention and i see something moving on my screen every 2 seconds. hello? don't the layout designers realize how hard it is to focus in class when there is something always moving on the screen? obviously not. what the heck we they thinking with this? creating lists? seriously? not everyone wants to be organized. and what if i don't want an american eagle outfitters list, or a deleta ska

Hahaha. That's. Hott.

You know, I cannot express how much better the phrase "I Love you" sounds when the word "I" is present. "Love you" is okay, but "I Love you" is the Bees Knees, Curdled Cheese , Afro Jack, Heart Attack.

Imagine That Getting Awkward.

this is the epic 200th blog post :) meaning this blog has to be the most epic thing since poggs and the invention of the synthesizer. too bad my life really isn't that epic. although a couple epic things have gone down. epic item 1. extreme midget wrestling. driving down las vegas boulevard, a truck pulls up right next to jessica and me and this is the advertisement on the side of the flatbed. i nearly peed myself. i had to get a photo. i wish we could have gotten tickets to see it because that would have been so epic that words wouldn't be able to describe its epicocity. epic item 2. volcano show at the mirage hotel and casino in vegas. this show was so insane it made richard simmons look normal. pretty sure that if i were 4 steps closer than i was, my hair would have gone up in flames and not just because of the half a can of hairspray that was in my hair. fire literally jumping up 10 ft in front of you. kind of cracra, yet muy epic. epic item 3. i am starting my practicum t

Calm, Palm, Blessed, Route.

Alright everyone. Last post kinda ended very weird and super abrupt. Reasoning, I have been stressing like crazy over a stupid quiz and an assessment that I have to take tonight. I still have yet to take them because I have been reading my brains out. I am making a oath, and all 41 of my followers, well known followers, and the countless anonymous followers, are my witnesses. I Jacob Scott Diller...... OH if you want to take this oath you are more than welcome to do so. (If you decide to take this oath, you MUST be standing, on both legs, facing the South, dressed in your fanciest shoes and placing your right hand, in the fist of the Black man, over your heart.) I ___(insert name)____, take upon myself all the responsibilities of a student of ____(insert educational facility name)____. I will uphold all the standards of a 4.0 student. I will read all assigned readings, finish all assigned work, take all assigned quizzes, assessments, and exams, and I will attend 95%....80% of all clas

I Like Floozy :)

I know, I know. I have been neglecting my blog ever since school started, but there are a couple very logical, and rational explanations...okay, not really. I have been so busy doing things I want to do. My level of focus is at an all time low. Let's see, what have I been doing since the last entry... Pocatello Pride. It was my first Pride and it was pretty fun. Although I was only able to be there for about an hour, I still got to see a ton of people, watch a couple drag queens, purchased my first Gay Pride Accessory, and met tons of new fabulous people. It was so much fun and I loved how intense dancing was that weekend. Lately I have been going dancing every Friday and Saturday night just get my dance on, and the Friday of Pride was unlike any other. The best part of dancing during Pride weekend? Getting to dance with people NOT from Pocatello. I have never seen guys from Pocatello move the way some of the guys from Boise and Salt Lake were moving. It was HAWT! Huzzah, not gonna

I'm Really Happy.

Every time you think, I love you, I really believe you have to say it. If you think about holding their hand or kissing them, you do it.

Lack Of Punctuation.

It is that time again, the VMAs. This year I was slightly less than impressed with pretty much all of it. This year, there was no host...I would have rather had a single host or even a pair of hosts instead of the garbage this did this year. Who ever the opening guy was, (not worth remembering his name) was the most distasteful choice in a long time. His "funny" one-liners were anything but funny. Borderline offensive. Let's begin to review. Lady Gaga, or as she introduced herself, Jo Calderone. All good artists have those moments of disappointment. This was her moment. The idea was clever, but at the same time expected from the ongoing male accused female. My least favorite part of her act was when she was presenting Britney Spears with the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award. Yes Lady Gaga, you were born this way, but Britney didn't want to kiss you, so say eh. Pitbull and Ne-yo. Where to begin? Should we start with how Pitbull does not know how to move his

Two Allophones Of The Phoneme /p/.

The first week of classes if finally over. Week two begins. I think I can handle this semester. I still have yet to get my head into studying again, but it will happen eventually. I know it's an awful way to think about it, but I would rather tell myself the truth instead of lie and tell myself that I will just dive right on in and study every day. I have done more than I thought though. I made flash cards for my Clinical Phonetics And Phonology class. Basically I am ahead in that class. I think tomorrow I will take out my planner and write in all the quizzes, then I'll write in all my assignments, and I could even write in what I should have read for each class and each day...okay wow I am getting ahead of myself. Baby steps. Let's just start with attending all classes. Deal. I can do that. The daily gym routine is back in order, well except for today...let's just say it has been a hectic morning. . . well hectic Saturday, Sunday and now Monday morning. Saturday I

Oh Yeah...Such A Charmer.

A new addiction has been formed. I cannot get enough of Phase 10. There is something about this game that leaves me wanting more. It is my crack. I need it. I have to play everyday, even if it is just one phase. I play Phase 10, I dream Phase 10, I breathe Phase 10, I eat Phase 10. Phase 10. Is. My. Life (Thank you RJY for the idea). Top 3 Benefits: I thought my consecutive counting skills were good, they are AMAZING now. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 I know my colors like nobodies business. Green, Red, Yellow, Blue Gotten really good at Bluffin' ( with my muffin). World Poker Tour here I come. I can only see positive things about this addiction. It is already improving me. If anyone is up for a friendly game of Phase 10, you know where to find me.

Yeah He's Pretty Hunky.

Here I am sitting at ISU in the Student Union dreading going into the book store to see how much all my books are going to be this semester. Thank you baby Jesus for Gina Pretzer. She is definitely a money saver for me. Every semester she asks me what classes I am taking and then tells me "Oh I have that book! You can borrow it." I dunno how I could survive without this girl in my life. She is honestly such a blessing to me. I am terrified for the upcoming semester. I dunno how I am going to get through it. I hope that it will be nothing like last semester. I cried so many times last semester over the dumbest things. I got so frustrated that the only way to relieve my frustration was to cry. I resolve to not cry but handle the stress in a more Gay way... just workout. Ha. In no time, I will have washboard abs, pecks that can crack nuts (Edible nuts ya know, peanuts, cashews, almonds...etc.), biceps that only Germans and Russians have, not to mention buns of steel. Ha. Jusss

Ur Cabinets Talk To U :)

only six more days of absolute freedom. things are starting to feel stressful. the roads are still under construction, and more people are moving back making it a lot harder to get places in record times. summer recap: hired on at american eagle, thank god because i need new clothes. got the apartment of my dreams. broke out of my dancing shell, and in turn i made so many new friends. reconnected with a best friend from the past. relationship with mom is building and we are accepting each other's differences. discovered my love for wikipedia. maintained a healthy weight ( fluxing between 155 and 160 ), no more of this trying to be as skinny as possible, not being able to see my ribs is more attractive. determined true happiness for myself. got a raise. learned to take other people's opinions into consideration, and actually consider them. do something out of the ordinary ( for me ) every day. traveled out of the state twice. participated in the gay community more :) success

Sexy Electro-Hip Hop Style

I am always reminded of Love, one way or another.

Jacob. You're Making Me Crazy.

Okay, I am a reasonable guy right? I have been really great at staying calm in all situations lately. I don't actually remember the last time I got mad. Well today was definitely one of those days. Work. Working with 3 other employees today. One employee up in Laser Tag, another employee in the sound booth, where I was. I was there because I was playing a song off MY laptop. The other employee in the sound booth was there because..well he was the floor guard and he controls the music. Which leaves one last employee. If I am not mistaken, it is common knowledge that you don't leave the front door wide open without having an employee at least within eyesight. ALL our employees know this. There is ALWAYS supposed to be someone at the front watching the door. Next thing I know, there are three employees in the sound booth...wait. Who is watching the door? I ask the employee scheduled to work the front counter to please go back and watch the door, this song is almost over and I

All Access Pass?

Black light photo :] Last night I went skating after hours with a friend. I forget how great of a mood skating puts me in. Recently I have developed an addiction to Green Tea. Every morning around 9:00, I ride my bike over to Mocha Madness and get a 20 Ounce tea. I feel oddly cultured. It is one of those things that as a child, I would see on TV that I loved. The guy/girl that would go to the coffee shop, daily. It again makes me feel like I am not really in Pocatello. It seems like regularly going to a coffee shop only happens in larger cities...Seattle, or Denver.

Hey Hunk Text Me.

4th grade, 1999, was the year I was introduced to the magical and mysterious world of Harry Potter. Mrs. Clark would read to the class for 20 minutes every Friday right after lunch as we finished any homework we had. Most of the time I was unable to focus long enough to complete or even make a dent in the homework I had accumulated. I was far too entranced with the story of The Boy Who Lived. I was instantly hooked. I admire J.K. Rowling's writing style. It is extremely vivid. Details like no other book out there. Harry Potter taught me more about love, family, friends, sacrifice, struggle, death, loss, pain, real happiness and courage than the public school system or my social life ever did. Growing up, all my friends shared the same values, the values taught to us by Harry and his friends. It is as if we grew up together, we actual friends. The movie is one of the best. At first I was furious with how one particular scene was done, but now that I have reread the book, and

Irk Are U?

Lately my dreams have been so vivid and 3 dimensional. Everything in my dreams appears to be so real. I smell a persons smell. I can taste a kiss. I can feel the softest touch. It seems like while I am sleeping, someone plugs a USB cord from my laptop into my head and transfers all the images in my "Wish" folder. I guess Cinderella was right, "a dream is a wish your heart makes." Lemme share a couple of the images I have. Some photos are self-explanatory, others may not be so obvious. I dunno if I should call them "wishes," instead I will call them aspirations. Things I WILL aspire to.

I Mostly Sort Of Trust Him.

While blog stalking some person in Missouri, inspiration struck! I am going to make a Red Velvet Cake, from scratch. *Gasp* *Gasp* *Gasp* *Whisper* *Gasp* "Oh my, from scratch" *Whisper* *whisper* "scratch" *gasp* Yes, from scratch :) Normally I am content with the Betty Crocker, boxed cake. But this time I thought I would outdo myself. So I found a recipe from The Pioneer Woman and started baking. I must say, I did a pretty damn good job. Delicious Red Velvet Cake from scratch, with a homemade cream cheese frosting, topped off with raspberries :) The kitchen is my new favorite room in my apartment. I have a feeling I will be spending even more time in there. Next challenge, The Tiered Cake.

Buttons On Your Levis.

honeSt miStakeS happen right? well i definitely think So. i waS out Shopping at the only Store open at 2 in the morning, walmart of courSe, and i decided i needed to get Some more underShirtS, Specifically tankS. moSey on over to the men'S Section and Skim the productS. pick out a package of SmallS. get the buy-five-get-one-free package, thinking i am actually getting a deal. come home throw the package of 6, not 5, but 6 tankS in my closet and paSS out. morning comeS, i go through out my day. experience my manic Stage, decide i Should leave my apartment to Save mySelf. muSt Shower. get out of Shower, dance around naked for a couple SongS, then get clotheS on. well i put on one of my new tankS and thiS iS what i experience... karma StrikeS again! it iS what i get for putting condomS in random people'S cart aS i walk paSt. Someone placed a package of boyS Small tankS in the adultS Small tankS Section. i Should have liStened to jeffrey when he Said never pick the firSt thing on

Nom Nom Nom!

*Knock knock knock* "It's open!" "Hey, what's happenin....Where are you?" "Kitchen, Not much just doing a little cleaning." "Ah, figured. I mean it is not every day you see some guy hanging out his apartment cleaning the windows in the middle of a rain storm." * -.- * I am definitely on one of those manic cleaning stages again. My apartment is so clean it is fit to house a Queen...wait :) No but seriously. Productivity is my middle name. Woke up and immediately went to my sisters house and mowed her lawn. Then went shopping. Doing a little retail therapy. It is one of those really important things that help keep me sane. After my little shopping adventures I came back home and then the crazy started. I dunno why or what causes it, but I get in this mood where I am super hyper, but feel high at the same time. Then while I am in this mood, I clean. No Clean is an understatement. I obsess until everything is immaculate. Windows, inside and o

Cop!.....Ok, I'm Good

I am so addicted to Egg Salad Sandwiches. I dunno how healthy that is because they are made of eggs, mayo, mustard, and a few special item, but I can't tell you because then just ANYONE could make them as delicious as I do. BUT I mean I DO use LOW FAT Miracle that counts for something right? And I DO use whole wheat bread instead of white bread. I just hope that my addiction will not do great damage. There is just something about these sandwiches that complete me. They have the perfect amount of zangy flavor. They might taste so good because I remember them tasting so amazing when I was a child. It could be one of those things where I remember it being so awesome years and years ago that when I have them now, I don't actually taste it, I just assume they taste just as good as my kinder years. Ha, oh great, I am crazy. I am putting sentimental value in a sandwich. No I am not crazy, they literally are THAT wonderful. I think it is time to cut up my American Eagle credi

Only A Pen Pal Can Deal With Me.

For some reason I feel like I need to blog. I dunno what about. Not sure if there is a reason for the feeling, or if it is because I have been doing nothing all day. Facebook asks what is on my mind... The silly thing about Facebook is I can never really say what is ACTUALLY on my mind. Not for fear of people's reactions to what is on my mind, but for fear of exposing myself to everyone. Exposing the inner thoughts and feelings that I usually save for personal conversation or even thoughts that I can blog about. I know not every one of my friends reads my blog, so I feel safe expressing what I am actually feeling, well for the most part. What's on my mind: Last night I got to thinking. I was listening to a song by Adele, "Chasing Pavement" and the song has been racking my brain ever since I listened to it. Not just allowing the tune fill my head, but actually listened to the music, words, melody and all. That is definitely something I do not normally do. The Lyrics: I

Yes Frat Boys Are Hilarious!!!

Lately I have been on the biggest Love kick. I want Love so bad. Yes, I know I sound like every other single person out there. I know in my last post I said I was "absolutely content with my single status," and I am. It just so happens to be that all my favorite songs at the moment are the best songs that talk about Love. Gaaa! LOOK ALL THESE UP!!! They are amazing and make the heart ache so bad :) If It's Love- Train Marry Me- Train Oh, It Is Love- Hellogoodbye You Don't Know Me- Michael Buble That's All- Michael Buble You and I- Michael Buble I am love all these songs, oh so much. This is the kind of Love that I want. Love that is "spontaneous and caring. Like I come home from a long day and the second i'm thru the door i get swept off my feet into a spinning hug only to hit the couch and lay there holding each other till its time to eat." Or the love that says "i feel the need to see yo I should be the one that keeps you smiling

:0 BEER?

Newest, and willing to say, Biggest pet peeve...Parents at parades. I thought that children got obnoxious during a parade with all the "I want a Popsicle!!!" "Right here, right here, right here!!" and "*screams* POPSICLE!!" But I was so wrong. The worst thing is being chased down by a parent asking for a different color or for 5 popsicles. I just look at back them and say "I don't take orders, but you can have one." Or if I am really feeling like a jerk I will just tell them no, smile and skate away. Yesterday was the Pioneer Day Celebration, remind me what they even did? And of course we have to have a parade that costs $50.00 to enter a float. Deleta has always been in any parade and this year is no different. I love doing it! I have so much fun. Here is a quick rundown of how it all happens. 8:00 AM meet at Deleta. Wash the bus, pick up balloons, pick up 2,800 popsicles, arrive at Holt Arena around 8:50. Put banners on the Deleta Bus, then

Spinning Hug Only To Hit The Couch.

feeling a little adventurous tonight. after realizing i have spent 3 hours at mocha madness registering for classes and blogging, i decided i should probably get out of there and get back to my life...wait. oh my way home i was just about to walk into the tunnels by the underpass and this girl was staring me down, like muy hard. and somehow she knew my name...well duh it was stephanie lloyd, my friend. plans of returning to my life of and washing my wood floors changed and we went to Sumisu, the new local sushi bar. it was awesome! it was both our first time eating sushi so neither of us knew what we were doing or what we were ordering. we ended up ordering this roll called the tiny dancer roll and it was absolutely delicious. i was super skeptical about eating raw fish, or fish period but it was delightful. and our waiter wasn't bad looking either :) okay okay kinda got a little out of control and facebook stalked him already, he is a pole vaulter!! holy what? that is freaking awe